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Mirror Networking Team using libuv for Unity (C#), looking for help to fix some crashes/leaks because we don't know libuv

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Michael W.

Jan 14, 2021, 10:00:36 AM1/14/21
to libuv
Hey guys! We are using libuv for Mirror Networking, Unity's biggest open source networking library.

Unity's built in sockets are terrible due to using not only Mono, but also an outdated Mono version.

I made a libuv low level transport because being battle tested by Node.js is very impressive and hopefully will solve our low level networking problem.

We use libuv V1.39.0 with C# bindings that only does TCP.
Performance is absolutely insane compared to everything else we had before.

Our C# bindings have several memory leaks and crashes at times, mostly because of our lack of libuv knowledge. Neither of used it before.

Is anyone available for consulting to look over our C# bindings?
Or can anyone recommend a way for us to get help? We have a lot of questions about how to do this properly.

Thanks :)

Ben Noordhuis

Jan 19, 2021, 7:43:22 AM1/19/21
I see you haven't received any (public) replies yet. It can help when
you give a rough overview of the scope and a time estimate.

An approach I've taken in the past is that you make a donation
proportional to the work involved to a mutually acceptable charitable
cause (I'm partial to the GiveWell Foundation) in exchange for my

As to questions: you're welcome to post them here or over at, provided they're not super
specific to your use case. I mean, you're still welcome to post your
super specific questions but you're less likely to receive replies.

Michael W.

Jan 20, 2021, 1:02:56 AM1/20/21
to libuv
Thank you Ben, it's a great honor to have one of the core devs give feedback :)
I'll reach out once the current code is polished and as simple as possible.

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