requiring bind when using LDAP

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Apr 5, 2012, 12:59:35 PM4/5/12

Here is a quick work up for those that cannot use anonymous bind.


In Init.php:

1) add the following line for the username that is to bind to LDAP:

define("LDAP_BIND_USER", "bindingusername");

Replace bindingusername with username.

2) add the following line for the username's password to bind to LDAP:

define("LDAP_BIND_PASS", "bindingpassword");

Replace bindingpassword with username's password.

In actions/LoginAction.php:

1) In class LoginAction > in method perform(), locate the line:

userId = $userFact->authenticate($username, md5($password));

and remove the md5() function:

$userId = $userFact->authenticate($username, $password);

In finders/UserFinder.php:

1) In class UserFinder, locate method authenticateLDAP() and replace the entire method with the following:

   function authenticateLDAP($username, $password) {

     if ((strlen($username) < 1) || (strlen($password) < 1)) {

       return(FALSE); // return false during production

       //die("LDAP Error: in authenticateLDAP, either username($username), password($password) or both are not set");


     global $ldapConfig;

     // make initial connection

     if (!$conn = ldap_connect($ldapConfig['host'], $ldapConfig['port']))

       die("LDAP Error: Could not connect(1) to host {$ldapConfig['host']} on port {$ldapConfig['port']}");

     // prepare connection for initial bind

     $rdn = "uid=$username," . $ldapConfig['baseDN'];

     ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);

     if(!$bind = ldap_bind($conn, LDAP_BIND_USER, LDAP_BIND_PASS))

       die("LDAP Error: Could not bind to connection using username: '" . LDAP_BIND_USER . "' with password: '" . LDAP_BIND_PASS . "'");

     // prepare for search tpo retrieve the DN of the user

     $filter = "(uid=$username)";

     $attrib = array("*");

     if (!$sr = ldap_search($conn, $ldapConfig['baseDN'], $filter, $attrib)) {

       die("LDAP Error(". ldap_errno($conn) . "): Could not perform search to retrieve DN using:" .

           "\nbaseDN: '{$ldapConfig["baseDN"]}' , filter: '$filter', attrib: '$attrib'. " .

           "\nLDAP ERROR: " . ldap_error($conn)



     // get the user's DN

     if (!$entry = ldap_get_entries($conn, $sr)) {

       die("LDAP Error: Could not get entries");

     } elseif (ldap_errno($conn) > 0 ) {

       die("LDAP Error(" . ldap_error($conn) . ").  LDAP Error: " . ldap_errno($conn));

     } else {

       @$User_dn = $entry[0]['dn'];

       if (strlen($User_dn) < 3) {

         return(FALSE); // return false during production

         //die("LDAP Error: getting the User_dn entry did not work properly. User_dn='$User_dn'");



     // unbind first connection


     // Second bind to verify username and password

     // Are the credentials valid?

     if (!$conn2 = ldap_connect($ldapConfig['host'], $ldapConfig['port']))

       die("LDAP Error: Could not connect(2) to host {$ldapConfig['host']} on port {$ldapConfig['port']}");

     //echo "<p>conn2 = $conn2, User_dn='$User_dn', username='$username', password='$password'</p>";

     // finally verify the username and password submitted thru the form

     if (!$r = ldap_bind($conn2, $User_dn, $password)) {


       die("LDAP Error: Could not bind to connection using user DN: '$User_dn' with password: '$password'");


     // unbind second connection


     // You are connected! Return true or something!



2) In class UserFinder > in method authenticate(), replace the the following line that calls the authenticateDB so the password passed is now MD5ed:

if ($result = $this->authenticateDB($username,$password)) {

to this:

if ($result = $this->authenticateDB($username,md5($password))) {

For debugging purposes the return()’s can be commented out and the die()’s can be uncommented.

These changes have not been committed to the source.

I did not work a condition in changes for checking for anonymous bind or not. If would be simple enough to add later.


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