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Trevor Watkins

Jun 18, 2021, 8:55:44 AM6/18/21
to LibertarianSA, Individualist Movement
For your interest.
Trevor Watkins
bas...@gmail.com - 083 44 11 721 - www.individualist.co.za
PO Box 3302, Jeffreys Bay, 6330

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gail Day <gai...@fmfsa.org>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 at 10:11
Subject: hi n help
To: Trevor Watkins (bas...@gmail.com) <bas...@gmail.com>

Hey, Trevor, hope you are well and coping in these difficult times

Please could you advertise the below event to the libertarians? I’d appreciate it

Take care out there



Invitation – evening event with...
Nick Hudson, Chairman, PANDA (Pandemics – Data & Analytics)
Covid and the clash of ideologies

Date:                       Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Time:                       17h30 to 18h00 – Registration | cheese & wine
                                 18h00 to 19h30 – Presentation & discussion
Venue:                    Building 5, Bryanston Gate, 170 Curzon Road, Bryanston
Cost:                        Entry fee R50 per person CASH ONLY at door – for cheese, wine, challenging intellectual debate and scintillating company! Media free
Seating:                  Limited to 30
Livestream:           The event will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel where those not attending in person can watch: https://youtu.be/8OMquZKpQbI
Covid Compliance
- We will take and record your temperature – if it is over 37.3°C, you will not be allowed access
- We will sanitise your hands
- Please bring your own mask
- Seating limited to 30
The foundations of the Covid narrative are crumbling. The novel recipe of lockdowns, masks, fear campaigns and lots of stickers turns out not only to entail horrific collateral damage, but to worsen Covid outcomes. An edifice of lies has been sustained by ruthless censorship, media blankets, and extensive conflicts of interest at our institutions of public health and science. As the lies are exposed, we stand at a crucial junction in history. Down one road lies a painful repeat lesson from history – that technocratic centralisation and surveillance deliver only stasis and gross inequality. Down the other lies an opportunity to cast off the yokes of woke critical theory, concentration of power and safety culture, and to reassert the generativity afforded only by personal agency, freedom of expression, decentralisation and an evolutionary approach to knowledge and economy.
[Guests, we propose you watch this presentation before joining us]
Note: Event can be attended in person OR via YouTube (https://youtu.be/8OMquZKpQbI)
Please RSVP HERE only if you plan to join us in person (so we know how many to cater for)
About the speaker
Nick Hudson is an actuary with broad international experience in finance, who has settled into a career as a private equity investor. He is a man of wide-ranging interests – an avid reader of canonical literature, a classical music aficionado, and an enthusiastic amateur ornithologist. He has been invited to speak on various topics including epistemology, corporate governance, investment management, and more recently, the pandemic.
Media enquiries
For more information and to arrange for photographs and interviews, contact:
Chris Hattingh | chrish...@fmfsa.org | 083 600 8688


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