Get Mel-bands from mel-spectrogram

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Joaquin Gonzalez

Nov 25, 2021, 3:29:17 PM11/25/21
to librosa
Hello everyone, 

I used librosa to calculate a melspectrogram, then I performed a calculation on the mel-spectrogram and I wanted to plot the results on the frequency time axis, so I need the frequencies corresponding to each mel-band. I didn’t find any way for librosa to return those values.
How can I calculate the frequencies corresponding to those mel bands?

Here's an extract of the code:

wav =[1]

wav = wav.astype("float")

n_fft = 125

hop_length = 125

n_mels = 16

S = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(wav, sr=self.audio_sr, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, n_mels=n_mels)

Which gives:


I wanted to see the correlation between this spectrogram and another variable:


The thing is I would like to know at what frequencies are found the maximum values in this plot, so i would need to know the frequencies [Hz] in each of the 16 mel-bands of the mel-spectrogram.

Would you know if I can get that information from the librosa.feature.melspectrogram() function, or if I can calculate it in some way?

Thank you!


Tiago Tavares

Nov 25, 2021, 3:32:05 PM11/25/21
to Joaquin Gonzalez, librosa
Hi Joaquin,

I am not sure there  is a better way, but I would use the mel filterbank ( to get those bands.


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Vincent Lostanlen

Nov 25, 2021, 3:52:41 PM11/25/21

Hello Joaquin and Tiago,

There is a better way :)

Use the function librosa.mel_frequencies

(which is called internally by librosa.filters.mel)

and you will get the frequencies in Hertz.

You can pass the same hyperparameters to librosa.mel_frequencies as those you passed to librosa.melspectrogram

I hope this helps!



Joaquin Gonzalez

Nov 26, 2021, 9:54:20 AM11/26/21
to librosa
Hi Tiago and Vincent, 

First of all, thank you very much for your help!

Concerning the mel filterbank, I am not sure what the  returned matrix of  dimensions (n_mels, nfft/2 +1), or how could I extrac the frequencies in Hz from it.

The function librosa.mel_frequencies seems just right. I set fmax = 8000 because of the nysquit frequency of the audio samples and it works! I have one doubt left about it. 

The function returns 16 values, and I was expecting 16 bands (with it low cut and high cut frequencies). Are those 16 values the bands limits? Should I run it with n_mels = 17 in order to get those 16 bands?

Thanks again!


Vincent Lostanlen

Nov 26, 2021, 10:33:33 AM11/26/21

Hello Joaquin,

> Are those 16 values the bands limits? Should I run it with n_mels = 17 in order to get those 16 bands?

These 16 values are the center frequencies of the bands.

If you want the lower limits, do the following:

> mel_f = mel_frequencies(n_mels + 2, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, htk=htk)
> low = mel_f[:-2]
> center = mel_f[1:-1]
> high = mel_f[2:]

Note the +2 offset to account for the boundaries. This +2 offset is present in the source code of librosa.filters.mel

I hope this helps!

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