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Yonatan Tako

Mar 21, 2022, 5:10:47 AM3/21/22
to librosa
trying to read an audio file from a simple path and i'm getting an error: 

audio_data = 'C:\\Python\\Music\\Hiroshi Suzuki-Romance.mp3'
x , sr = librosa.load(audio_data)

the error reads: 

c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\librosa\util\decorators.py:88: UserWarning: PySoundFile failed. Trying audioread instead. return f(*args, **kwargs)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\librosa\core\audio.py:155, in load(path, sr, mono, offset, duration, dtype, res_type) 153 else: 154 # Otherwise, create the soundfile object --> 155 context = sf.SoundFile(path) 157 with context as sf_desc: File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\soundfile.py:629, in SoundFile.__init__(self, file, mode, samplerate, channels, subtype, endian, format, closefd) 627 self._info = _create_info_struct(file, mode, samplerate, channels, 628 format, subtype, endian) --> 629 self._file = self._open(file, mode_int, closefd) 630 if set(mode).issuperset('r+') and self.seekable(): 631 # Move write position to 0 (like in Python file objects) File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\soundfile.py:1183, in SoundFile._open(self, file, mode_int, closefd) 1182 raise TypeError("Invalid file: {0!r}".format(self.name)) -> 1183 _error_check(_snd.sf_error(file_ptr), 1184 "Error opening {0!r}: ".format(self.name)) 1185 if mode_int == _snd.SFM_WRITE: 1186 # Due to a bug in libsndfile version <= 1.0.25, frames != 0 1187 # when opening a named pipe in SFM_WRITE mode. 1188 # See http://github.com/erikd/libsndfile/issues/77. File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\soundfile.py:1357, in _error_check(err, prefix) 1356 err_str = _snd.sf_error_number(err) -> 1357 raise RuntimeError(prefix + _ffi.string(err_str).decode('utf-8', 'replace')) RuntimeError: Error opening 'C:\\Python\\Music\\Hiroshi Suzuki-Romance.mp3': File contains data in an unknown format. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: NoBackendError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [2], in <module> 1 audio_data = 'C:\\Python\\Music\\Hiroshi Suzuki-Romance.mp3' ----> 2 x , sr = librosa.load(audio_data) 3 print(type(x), type(sr)) File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\librosa\util\decorators.py:88, in deprecate_positional_args.<locals>._inner_deprecate_positional_args.<locals>.inner_f(*args, **kwargs) 86 extra_args = len(args) - len(all_args) 87 if extra_args <= 0: ---> 88 return f(*args, **kwargs) 90 # extra_args > 0 91 args_msg = [ 92 "{}={}".format(name, arg) 93 for name, arg in zip(kwonly_args[:extra_args], args[-extra_args:]) 94 ] File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\librosa\core\audio.py:174, in load(path, sr, mono, offset, duration, dtype, res_type) 172 if isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.PurePath)): 173 warnings.warn("PySoundFile failed. Trying audioread instead.", stacklevel=2) --> 174 y, sr_native = __audioread_load(path, offset, duration, dtype) 175 else: 176 raise (exc) File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\librosa\core\audio.py:198, in __audioread_load(path, offset, duration, dtype) 192 """Load an audio buffer using audioread. 193 194 This loads one block at a time, and then concatenates the results. 195 """ 197 y = [] --> 198 with audioread.audio_open(path) as input_file: 199 sr_native = input_file.samplerate 200 n_channels = input_file.channels File c:\users\bahar\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\audioread\__init__.py:116, in audio_open(path, backends) 113 pass 115 # All backends failed! --> 116 raise NoBackendError() NoBackendError:

Brian McFee

Mar 21, 2022, 7:50:58 AM3/21/22
to librosa
It looks like you don't have any decoders installed which can handle mp3.

You'll need to install gstreamer or ffmpeg to work with audioread. I generally recommend using the conda packages for this, though it looks like you're not in a conda environment.
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