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Welcome to libcode!

libcode was established to provide an open discussion forum for library, gallery, archive, and museum workers to talk about the issues surrounding technology education and professional development within our respective fields. It is intended to be an inclusive, collaborative and safe space to talk about these topics without criticism, condescension, or judgment.

The moderators and participants of libcode are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. Please read the full Code of Conduct for more information, including information on how to report harassment.

All forum posts are public, but to post a forum message you must sign in with an email address. To join the group, click on “Apply to join group” above. If you do not have a Google account, please note that you can Sign up without Gmail. We also have a Google Drive folder for sharing documents.

We tweet at #libcode. Share this forum with our short link: