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Google and the art of library science

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Pamela Saenger

May 8, 2006, 7:45:18 PM5/8/06
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Google and the art of library science

Greetings from Google
When it comes to using Google in novel ways, some librarians seem to have discovered every tip, trick and inspired short-cut in the book. We've seen and heard anecdotal evidence of all manner of creative ways in which professionals like yourself use Google to enrich students' learning experiences, and to locate nuggets of hard-to-find information for library patrons.

Tips of the Trade
It's time to recognize these librarians and help them share their knowledge with other librarians. And we've thought of a nifty way to do just that. Please visit the Google Librarian Center at to find out more, and to share your tips and stories. And feel free to forward this email to fellow librarians who might have stories and tips of their own to share.

Like, for instance, searching the Internet for surviving eyewitness accounts of the Burr-Hamilton duel, and using Google Maps for directions to Weehawken, New Jersey, so the class could see where this incident occurred. Or using Scholar to unearth a trove of erudite essays in an obscure journal. Or helping an art student use Image Search to find Holbein's portrait of a member of the Wedigh family for a project. Or finding a photo of a patron's great aunt in a rare book using Google Book Search. Or showing students how to use News to immerse themselves in current events. Or using Google Earth to give inner-city kids a larger sense of the world and their place in it.

We love inspiring stories like these from librarians who've used Google to break new ground in the digital dissemination of knowledge, and look forward to reading yours.

Pamela Saenger
Associate Manager, Library Partnership Team

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