Announcing the Google Librarian Central Blog

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Google Librarian Newsletter

Jan 17, 2007, 4:11:56 PM1/17/07
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Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that 12 months have passed since we all posed with our newly-purchased cowboy hats on the Riverwalk at ALA Midwinter in San Antonio (see photo below). Since then, we've put out a number of newsletters, videos, and handouts, as well as appeared at conferences such as ALA, CLA, CSLA, NYLA, AZLA, the Charleston Conference, and others. One of our biggest undertakings in 2006 was the librarian survey, which we sent to you in October and have subsequently studied, analyzed, and dissected. Thanks again to the thousands of you who completed the survey -- your input was immeasurably helpful as we evaluated what worked and what didn't in 2006 and planned our activities for 2007.

Back Row: Yana Ivey, Jen Grant
Front Row: Jodi Healy, Ben Bunnell, Cristin Frodella, Pamela Saenger

Announcing the Librarian Central Blog

I'm pleased to say that today, we're implementing one of your biggest requests. When we asked how we could improve the Google Librarian Newsletter, many of you said, "Make it a blog!" or "Send more up-to-date information." We've taken your feedback to heart, and we're doing just that. Starting today, the Librarian Center will make its home at, where you'll find the latest Google news, updates, and tips relevant to the librarian community. The blog includes links to the Newsletter Archive, the Your Stories page, and the Tools and Videos sections. And of course, we'll continue to add to these pages and develop new features.

We're excited about communicating Google's product and feature launches to you as they happen. You can even sign up to receive these blog posts by email, or choose to read them from your Google Personalized Homepage or Google Reader (or your preferred blog reader). For those of you who still prefer to hear from us on a quarterly basis, we'll continue to send out the Librarian Newsletter, which will include the "best of" the previous months' blog posts. As with many Google launches, consider this blog a beta test, open to refinements and changes over time. We'll be looking closely at your feedback, so please let us know what you think.

Getting to Know You

In addition to giving us feedback in the librarian survey , you also told us more about yourselves. It turns out that the majority of you teach online resources to your students and patrons, and those of you whose roles involve reference or instruction interact with upwards of 200 students or patrons a week. Wow! As the hyper-communicative, quick-to-share-information community that we knew you to be, the vast majority of you heard about the Librarian Newsletter and Librarian Central website through listservs or blogs run by fellow librarians and other colleagues. (We hope you'll also tell your colleagues and friends about the new Librarian Central blog). You also told us where you work: mainly in university and school libraries, followed closely by public and special libraries. We understand you have different interests, and we'll do our best to provide information and materials relevant to as many of you as we can. You'll also continue to see us at conferences (ALA Midwinter, ALA Annual, and AASL, to name a few).

ALA Midwinter

Speaking of conferences, we're headed to Seattle this week for our second appearance at ALA Midwinter, and we look forward to seeing many of you there. If you are attending, don't forget to visit us in the exhibit hall at booth #1907 and come to our conference session on Saturday at 1:30pm in the Spanish Ballroom of the Fairmont Olympic Hotel at 411 University Street ( We'll be talking about Custom Search Engines, Google Book Search, Google Scholar, Google Earth, and more. Although RSVPs aren't required, if you think you can make our session, please let us know: .

With that, we invite you to visit at our new home at

Pamela Saenger, on behalf of the Librarian Outreach team
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