Welcome to the LibLab list!

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Sam Klein

Jul 12, 2011, 8:10:04 PM7/12/11
to LibLabs
This list is for all discussion about implementing "LibLabs" - small-
footprint, flexible, and customizable labs where technology and
librarianship meet. These are meant to be places where anyone from
the local community can come to capture, digitize, upload, and
broadcast information from their community, or can organize research
for themselves or their reading or study group. A library ambassador
program to introduce these labs and their concepts to libraries of all
sizes will complement the physical labs.[1]

I am a Wikipedian and educator, and longtime patron of public
libraries. Nate Hill of the San Jose Public Library and I have been
involved in discussions about the development of a Digital Public
Library of America [DPLA], going through its planning phase this
year. With some inspiring partners - the Wiki Society of Washington
DC, the DC Public Library, and Noll and Tam Architects - we are
organizing a proposal to develop such Labs across the country as part
of such a national library network. A demonstration Lab will be
housed in the main DC public library.

We are looking for additional partners interested in setting up a Lab
- in libraries or in other community hackspaces. - and for ideas for
the design, hardware, and software recommended for a complete lab.

This list is open to all - if you are interested in these ideas,
please join this list and introduce yourself.

+1 617 529 4266


Jul 13, 2011, 12:27:10 AM7/13/11
to LibLabs
V. excited things are coming together. I'm going to be pretty spotty
with my communication for the first two weeks of the newborn baby but
intend to be on the ball again shortly.
Sorry I missed the call today... I'd love to hear more about details
of the conversation.
In the meantime, I have a bunch of other libraries I'd like to put
this idea out to... but I wonder if we might want to develop the
design a little further first.
I've got a list of public libraries across the country that will jump
at the idea, but I want them to jump at an idea they can actually
accomplish rather than a knee-jerk "yes! I love this!"


Samuel Klein

Jul 13, 2011, 3:55:06 AM7/13/11
to lib...@googlegroups.com
Quick notes from today's call with Chris Noll, who has offered to lead
our design process:

- we have some basic design ideas [starting with YOUmedia work], some
use scenarios, and [since the call] specs on the DCPL space
- there is some level of design work they've already considered for
their reconstructon plan for next year [starting 5 months out with
tearing down what's there now]

- we need rough specific designs for the initial DCPL setup,
practically, to give them guidance (how many tables and chairs and
displays to set up, where to put cabinets and lounging space, how to
run a welcoming entrance, how/if to make the floor usable for hacking,
&c.) this may change as we actually use the space.
- we need an abstract design for the submission to the IMLS grant on
Aug 15. this would be for a theoretical lab for youth.
- we need a second abstract design for the formal DPLA submission in
early September. this will ideally be an iteration on the previous

- the abstract designs should be modular, noting the elements of a
"complete" lab, as well as ways to use individual elements or
combinations of them, based on space and budget constraints. every
interested participating library would ideally be able to construct a
lab for themselves from a set of these modules.

- useful features for the modular design: mobile elements, a compact
way to pack them together for shipping or storage.
- some use cases could be "space available" use cases, taking small
kiosks or unusual spaces and indicating how a small lab or part of a
lab could be set up in each of them.

Chris will come back to us with a set of questions to help guide the designs.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Nate <nathan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the meantime, I have a bunch of other libraries I'd like to put
> this idea out to... but I wonder if we might want to develop the
> design a little further first.
> I've got a list of public libraries across the country that will jump
> at the idea, but I want them to jump at an idea they can actually
> accomplish rather than a knee-jerk "yes!  I love this!"
> Thoughts?

Let's target one thing that a lab can do that have wide relevance,
describe that piece briefly and well, and see who is interested.
Perhaps focusing on personal digitization [bring in a box, leave with
a flash drive, optionally publish the results online]


Chris Noll

Jul 13, 2011, 7:52:48 PM7/13/11
to lib...@googlegroups.com, met...@gmail.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish, Nate Hill

Hi Sam,

Here is a list of questions to get us started.  Sorry to overwhelm you all at once, I'm trying to get my head around it as quickly as possible, as time is short.  Please answer what you can and we'll get through them as we move ahead.  It might be easier to just talk on the phone, if you had the time to be on a call.

I will be on vacation next week on Cape Cod, but Abe Jayson and Jason Barish in my office will be here and helping to push things forward, if need be.  Feel free to include them in our conversations.  I'll try to stay in touch by email while I'm away.


1.      Description of all the proposed/potential components and uses of the space, and which to focus on as the higher priorities:
Scanning stations
Other specialized workstations
Printing equipment
Computer workstations
Entrance / Orientation
Supervision station
Group work areas
Individual work areas
Conference/Meeting areas
Instructional space
Hanging out / socializing space
Seating of various sorts
Audio booth or recording studio space
Audio or video mixing space
Food or lounge area
Books and/or storage needs
Presentation space and AV equipment
Files and records storage

2.      Descriptions of the specific equipment proposed, with as much information about physical properties as possible, dimensions, and descriptions of the process, or how it is used, so we can determine some physical configurations to support it.

3.      Desired relationships between various elements:  adjacencies, spatial relationships, associations

4.      Number of people who need to use a particular unit at a time

5.      Should the furniture that supports the equipment be easily demountable or packable for transportation?  Any limitations on size for transportation?  Should the cases be modular in dimensions so a number of different components can be packed into a given case?

6.      Should we think about a design that can be easily fabricated from our design drawings by others in remote locations using basic tools and materials?

7.      Who will fabricate the prototypes and what capabilities or limitations do they have?

8.      Any special acoustical and lighting requirements?

9.      Ideas about the look and feel for the design:  what are we aiming for, if anyone has an opinion.

10.     What does the final design product need to look like at the various points?  What would a “abstract design” look like, and how to create a competitive submission?

11.     Please provide an overall MLK Library floor plan that the space in question is located, as well as some photographs of the space and adjacent spaces

12.     Durability/life span of components

13.     Sustainability/green features

14.     Signage needs

15.     Budget issues:
Overall budget for this project
Budget guidelines for components / prototypes

16.     Schedule - IMLS deadline 8/15, DPLA submission early September, other milestones and scheduled meetings/teleconferences.

Samuel Klein

Jul 20, 2011, 5:43:21 PM7/20/11
to lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish, Nate Hill
Chris - enjoy your time out here on the Cape!

Hello Abe and Jason -- great to meet you. Here are some quick answers
by mail. I'd be happy to talk by phone as well. There are a few more
use cases noted here:

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Chris Noll <chris...@nollandtam.com> wrote:

> 1.      Description of all the proposed/potential components and uses of the
> space, and which to focus on as the higher priorities:

With 1 being highest priority:

[2] Entrance / Orientation
[3] Supervision station
[3] Storage of equipment to be checked out
[4] Files and records storage
[4] Overall enclosure (where there's no preexisting building, or just a wall)

[1] Hanging out / socializing space
[3] Food or lounge area
[1] Group work areas
[2] Presentation space and AV equipment
[2] Instructional space
[3] Conference/Meeting areas

[2] Seating of various sorts
[3] Reconfigurable furniture

[2] Computer workstations
[3] Individual work areas
[4] Books and/or storage needs

; Specific modules
[2] Scanning stations
[2] Audio/video booth or recording studio space
[3] Other specialized workstations
[3] Printing equipment and stations
[3] Audio or video mixing space
[4] Map table, magnifiers and lighting
[3] Tool locker
[4] Bookbinding workspace

> 2.      Descriptions of the specific equipment proposed, with as much
> information about physical properties as possible, dimensions, and
> descriptions of the process, or how it is used, so we can determine some
> physical configurations to support it.
> 3.      Desired relationships between various elements:  adjacencies,
> spatial relationships, associations

Printing/binding machine: the size of a large industrial printer.
associated terminal to review printjob. [1 user]

Flatbed scanner: compact, only 1' tall [1-2 people]

Camera scanner: a podium to hold a book, and suspended cameras @ fixed
angles. 4-6' in all

Digitization center: a space for boxes of things to be digitized; a
terminal to review scans, and associated scanners at arm's length.
[1-3 people]

Recording kiosk: space for 2 ppl to sit, a terminal to review
recording, 2 mounts for cameras. thin walls, partial soundproofing.
[1-3 people]

Room arrangement (reading group, &c): unstructured space and light
reconfigurable furniture. [see The Uni Project design for an example]
[2-15 people]

Workshop/presentation: space to project, 1-2 projectors, space to
write (whiteboards, glass walls & dry-erase crayons) [3-30 people]

Workbench and tools for working with binding materials. [1-4 people]

> 5.      Should the furniture that supports the equipment be easily
> demountable or packable for transportation?  Any limitations on size for
> transportation?  Should the cases be modular in dimensions so a number of
> different components can be packed into a given case?

Ideally, it should be possible to break everything down into <40#
components for transport and storage.
Don't feel too constrained here since every module will be different, but:
- being able to pack things into an airplane suitcase is great;
- modular cases are good;
- case-size should be a clear estimated shape for each module -- so a
set of modules can be counted in shipping pallets.

> 6.      Should we think about a design that can be easily fabricated from
> our design drawings by others in remote locations using basic tools and
> materials?

Yes. Each module should eventually have an off-the-shelf design and a
DIY design -- both will improve over time as people iterate this
design process. So: the best cheap scanner on the market that meets
our guidelines for ease of use; also a DIY flatbed design.

> 7.      Who will fabricate the prototypes and what capabilities or
> limitations do they have?

Some prototypes will be off-the-shelf elements, fitted together by
someone with time; no tools needed.
For fabrication we have support from some DC-area hackspaces like
HacDC, which are small machine shops and fablabs.

> 8.      Any special acoustical and lighting requirements?

A quiet space for recording/playback [or good sets of headsets]. Nice
to have: a way to run a workshop in one area without dominating
acoustics in other areas.

> 9.      Ideas about the look and feel for the design:  what are we aiming
> for, if anyone has an opinion.

An open space where people are at work in clusters, and the various
working groups are visible to one another -- shared work environment.
Easy to flag someone maintaining the space. An instant visual sense
of the various books and tools available. Clear flat workspaces;
designed to support clear surfaces when not in active use.

> 10.     What does the final design product need to look like at the various
> points?  What would a “abstract design” look like, and how to create a
> competitive submission?

An example:

Three models of differently-shaped and -sized labs [e.g.: large
indoors, quirky indoors, medium outdoors]
Twelve functional modules, each with components and variations
A sketch of each lab, with overall layout and 1-2 possible module configurations
A sketch of each module, noting its footprint when in use, and when
shipped, and possible variations
Sketches of some common groupings of modules, with combined footprints
View of work in use, at different scales.[1]

> 11.     Please provide an overall MLK Library floor plan that the space in
> question is located, as well as some photographs of the space and adjacent
> spaces

We'll get you some current photos.
@James -- can you visit the library soon for some recon?

See the attached floor plan - we have quite a large space here; so we
can set up a number of demo stations to showcase how each might be
used in a small lab.

> 12.     Durability/life span of components

Can be limited. Focus on ease of replacement/fixing/hacking, rather
than permanence.

> 13.     Sustainability/green features

Reusable designs that can be broken down are a plus. Minimal energy
requirements likewise; we haven't thought about this as much.

> 14.     Signage needs

Unclear. Walking through examples may help.

> 15.     Budget issues:
> Overall budget for this project
> Budget guidelines for components / prototypes

A minimal lab should come in under $10k, all elements included.
A standard lab with space for 25 and most modules could be around
$50k, including computers
Each module can have simple and deluxe versions.

We have no budget yet for prototype design, so will have to solicit
any such funds or get in-kind support. [which fablabs/hackspaces may

> 16.     Schedule - IMLS deadline 8/15, DPLA submission early September,
> other milestones and scheduled meetings/teleconferences.

A design meeting once you are back next week would be excellent.
Katie and I will also be presenting about this work on 8/5 in Haifa.

[all: feel free to weigh in on any of these questions.]

1 617 529 4266

Existing Floor Plan[4].pdf

Nate Hill

Jul 20, 2011, 6:14:50 PM7/20/11
to Samuel Klein, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish
Another possible use case:  there's another DPLA beta sprint by a group called Historypin.  It is interesting stuff.  The lab would be a great place for contributing to this kind of thing.  Should we consider talking to them about a partnership?


Samuel Klein

Jul 20, 2011, 6:36:16 PM7/20/11
to Nate Hill, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish
Sounds like a great idea - can you broach it with them? See if they
have contacts to start pinning in DC

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Nate Hill <nathan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another possible use case:  there's another DPLA beta sprint by a group
> called Historypin.  It is interesting stuff.  The lab would be a great place
> for contributing to this kind of thing.  Should we consider talking to them
> about a partnership?
> N

Samuel Klein          identi.ca:sj           w:user:sj          +1 617 529 4266

Nate Hill

Jul 20, 2011, 6:42:16 PM7/20/11
to Samuel Klein, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish
will do-

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Samuel Klein <meta.sj@gmail.com> wrote:
Sounds like a great idea - can you broach it with them?   See if they
have contacts to start pinning in DC

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Nate Hill <nathan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another possible use case:  there's another DPLA beta sprint by a group
> called Historypin.  It is interesting stuff.  The lab would be a great place
> for contributing to this kind of thing.  Should we consider talking to them
> about a partnership?
> N

Chris Noll

Jul 20, 2011, 10:27:00 PM7/20/11
to lib...@googlegroups.com, Samuel Klein, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish, Hill Nate
Sam - Thanks for the response to our questions. I think we have a much more tangible image in our minds now. I think we operate in the realm of the physical and visual, and I'm greatly enjoying following your and Nate's exchange about the concepts behind all this. It sounds like our conference call with Ginnie tomorrow is off, and not sure what is the next step with DCPL, but how about we try to have a call early next week when I'm back in the office and able to give it better, more focused attention than I can from here. Will that work for you both?

Sent from my iPhone

Samuel Klein

Jul 21, 2011, 5:08:37 PM7/21/11
to Chris Noll, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish, Hill Nate
That sounds good. We can schedule a design-focused skypecall for
everyone on the list including the DCPL folks, to catch up. Late
Monday is pretty open for me -- after 5pm EST.

I believe I'm also chatting with Jason + Jayson later today.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Chris Noll <chris...@nollandtam.com> wrote:
> Sam - Thanks for the response to our questions. I think we have a much more
> tangible image in our minds now. I think we operate in the realm of the
> physical and visual, and I'm greatly enjoying following your and Nate's
> exchange about the concepts behind all this. It sounds like our conference
> call with Ginnie tomorrow is off, and not sure what is the next step with
> DCPL, but how about we try to have a call early next week when I'm back in
> the office and able to give it better, more focused attention than I can
> from here. Will that work for you both?
> Thanks!
> Chris
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 20, 2011, at 6:42 PM, "Nate Hill" <nathan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> will do-
> N

Chris Noll

Jul 21, 2011, 8:04:28 PM7/21/11
to Samuel Klein, Chris Noll, lib...@googlegroups.com, Abraham Jayson, Jason Barish, Hill Nate
Great. I'll check on with them, too.

Sent from my iPhone
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