Fwd: [sunlightlabs] Join OpenDataDay in DC on Dec 3!

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Katie Filbert

Nov 2, 2011, 11:50:23 AM11/2/11
to liblabs
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From: Josh Tauberer <taub...@govtrack.us>
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:13 AM
Subject: [sunlightlabs] Join OpenDataDay in DC on Dec 3!
To: sunlig...@googlegroups.com

Hello hackers!

December 3rd is International Open Data Day (opendataday.org)!

As part of a world-wide day of open data hackathons, an innovative space at the DC MLK public library called Library Lab (http://librarylab.org/) will be hosting us for a day of open data goodness.

This is an informal gathering for anyone interested in open data, and much like an unconference the day will be shaped by the interests of those who show up. Come to talk, program, draw, promote your project --- anything related to open data. If we can build an open data app in a day, all the better.

At the very least there will be some free food.

To join in, please RSVP here:

It's a month away and we're just getting started organizing, so save the date, share in your networks, and drop me a line if you have any thoughts.

- Josh Tauberer
- POPVOX/GovTrack


"Yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation!  Yields
falsehood when preceded by its quotation!" Achilles to
Tortoise (in "Godel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas Hofstadter)

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Katie Filbert
President, Wikimedia District of Columbia
@filbertkm / @wikimediadc

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