Wrapper for Delphi/Lazarus - THaruPDF

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Damian Woroch

Nov 21, 2017, 5:08:42 PM11/21/17
to libHaru

libHaru wrapper for Delphi (in master branch) is outdated, missing some of the original functions, and even crashing while trying to set page size.
I decided it is a good time to resurrect it, as a high level wrapper. libHaru itself was recompiled with Embarcadero BCC32C C++ Compiler (doesn't require Microsoft C++ Redistributable to be installed in system) incl. multiple patches made by community like bi-directional text support, ability to set page boundaries etc. There are not many free alternatives in PDF creation, for both Delphi and Lazarus.

THaruPDF supports VCL (Windows with Delphi) and LCL (Windows/Linux with Lazarus)
Download: https://github.com/r1me/THaruPDF
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