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Liberty Root Ibogaine Therapy

Sep 8, 2015, 8:06:11 PM9/8/15

The War on Drugs in 3 Minutes, with Dragons

Posted: 08 Sep 2015 04:56 PM PDT

Check out this amazing metaphor on the war on drugs put out by the Global Commission on Drug Policy:

To learn more about Ibogaine Therapy in Canada to interrupt drug addiction, visit

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Liberty Root Ibogaine Therapy

Sep 10, 2015, 8:08:20 PM9/10/15

Ibogaine and Parkinson’s Disease – Case Study

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 04:42 PM PDT

It’s been recently discovered that Ibogaine may work to reverse the debilitating effects of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). A recent article published on the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance website prompted a PD sufferer to contact Liberty Root  to see if we might be able to help him follow a protocol to work on his disease. Having heard that the study at Columbia University was using a low-dose protocol, a mere 4 mg of ibogaine a couple of times a day, which is sub-perceptual, and very low-risk dose, we were excited to provide this gentleman with some medicine and see what the effects might be.

Bill is a 52 year old male who was diagnosed with PD two years ago, but had early signs four years ago. He’s been very proactive since his diagnosis in trying to mitigate the onset of the symptoms of the disease, which include tremors, slow movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance, loss of automatic movements; speech and writing impairment. Bill has changed his lifestyle so as to include daily exercise (yoga, cycling, PD specific exercises) as well as switched to a clean diet, avoiding processed food, and including organic vegetables and other nutrient dense foods. He’s been taking Apo-Levocarb daily, which is a dopamine medicine that helps reduce the symptoms of PD, but as Bill told me, it has diminishing returns – the more you take, the less effective it is.

Bill has been spending the winters in Tempe, Arizona, as it’s got a large community of PD patients, with services, exercise and support programs to service them. When I first met him, he had just finished driving from AZ to BC, and stopped by our facility on the last leg of his journey to pick up some tablets that contain Ibogaine prior to heading to his home on Vancouver Island. Meeting Bill it was obvious he suffered from PD, especially after that long drive. He was bent over, had a hard time walking, was shaky, his speech as slurred, with a slight facial paralysis. During our initial consultation he needed to sit, and had a hard time getting up afterward. Some other symptoms he described to me were a loss of movements that had been automatic, like with using the turn signal on his car he needed to be very conscious when making that happen, or once he finished urinating in the toilet, that first step backing up afterward needed to be very consciously thought out; it didn’t just happen automatically anymore.

Initially we gave Bill a supply of tablets each containing 4 milligrams of Ibogaine HCL and once we saw this there was no adverse reaction, with plenty of improvement, some 10 mg doses were compounded. As mentioned, this is a very low dose of Ibogaine compared to what we would give to a person so as to interrupt an addiction (we might use a gram and a half or more of ibogaine for addiction therapy). Bill started by taking one of these in the morning, along with his dopamine med, and then one in the afternoon. Here are some highlights from his comments relating to his couple of months with low-dose protocol and its effects:

10 mgs or less of Ibogaine twice daily:
– Feeling of looseness in my arms neck, shoulders and chest
– Able to shoulder check when driving
– More power in left arm while driving
– Able to back up easier when driving with left=handed steering
– Easier exiting car
– Easier doing up seatbelt (reaching and clasping)
– More torque in left hand when turning on water taps and door knobs
– Opening jars much easier
– Sweeping and raking much easier
– Able to let go of objects without thinking about it first (left hand)
– Dopamine medicine much more effective, works faster lasts a little longer
– Fewer left hand cramps
– Less restless arm and legs at night
– Stronger voice
– Way less need to stretch during the day and morning
– Just more coordination in left hand and right hand as well
– Walking gate improved, less clop in left foot longer steps
– Late night and early morning walking more steady (getting up to pee in the night and waking up in the morning )
– Don’t feel a sense of depression on off days and haven’t cried since starting Ibogaine

Once we started seeing such great improvements in Bill’s condition, we upped the dosage and compounded some 20 mg caplets of Ibogaine, which is still a very low dose; he still experienced zero psychedelic effects.

20 mgs of Ibogaine twice daily:
– All of the above with more vigour speed and strength
– Knocked 10 minutes off regular time of 34 km bike ride; way stronger on hills and head winds
– Less fatigue when walking and more improvements in gate
– Grades less noticeable when walking up hill
– Stepping backwards easier with larger steps
– Less shaking on exertion with left arm (lifting weights)
– Much easier pulling up spandex cycling shorts
– Reduction of getting stuck (less often and shorter duration)

As a general rule, with Ibogaine and addiction interruption, the more you take, the better it works, to a point at least. So we figured we’d bring Bill into our facility for a larger dose. After clearing it with his doctor, and having the standard tests we have done prior to a larger dose (ECG, blood work) we welcomed Bill to Liberty Root for him to go on a little ‘journey’ with the medicine. After two days of larger dosing (>250 mgs) Bill had this to report:

– Feel no need for dopamine, moving better than even with dopamine supplement
– Left hand no longer hyper-extended at rest and has stopped “locking” open
– Using left hand in more spontaneous fashion, no self-correction
– Washing easier, dressing easier, tying shoes easier
– Improved sense of smell and taste
– Haven’t been stuck since last dosage

It’s only been a few days since Bill left our facility. In speaking with him today, he mentioned that his left hand has become a bit more stiff than it was upon his departure. There is obviously a lot more research and experimentation that needs be done, but the preliminary findings are very exciting, and have offered Bill a degree of liberty he hasn’t seen in years.

For more information please contact Liberty Root.

Canadian Medical Association Journal Talks Psychedelics – Podcast

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 11:40 AM PDT

“For the times they are a-changin'” ~ Bob Dylan

The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has taken a bold and exciting step in their latest issue with an article published regarding the re-immergence and importance of looking at psychedelics as therapeutic tools.

Take a listen to this CMAJ Podcast interview with Dr. Matthew Johnson, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

For more information on Ibogaine Psychedelic Therapy, visit

Liberty Root Ibogaine Therapy

Sep 11, 2015, 8:16:45 PM9/11/15


Posted: 19 Mar 2015 03:38 PM PDT

The word ‘entheogenic’ means ‘generating the divine within’ and is often used to describe psychedelic plants and medicines like peyote, LSD, iboga, and ‘magic’ mushrooms. Jason Silva has created another beautiful video with spoken word, and this time it’s all about that en-theos and the plants that can help us open that gate to the most precious within.

Check it out here:

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