model Lorenz {
const rho = 45.92
const beta = 4.0
const alpha = 16.0
state X, Y, Z
obs X_obs
sub initial {
X ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.00002)
Y ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.00002)
Z ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.00002)
sub transition(delta = 0.0001) {
ode {
dX/dt = alpha * (Y - X)
dY/dt = X * (rho - Z) - Y
dZ/dt = X * Y - beta * Z
sub observation {
X_obs ~ normal(X, 0.2)
model_file_name <- ""
Lorenz <- bi_model(model_file_name)
T <- 0.2
nObs <- 100
init_parameters <- list(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)
synthetic_dataset <- bi_generate_dataset(end_time=T, model=Lorenz,
noutputs = nObs)
synthetic_data <- bi_read(synthetic_dataset)
synthetic_df <-
ggplot(synthetic_df, aes(X.time)) +
geom_path(aes(y = X.value, colour="X.value")) +
geom_path(aes(y = X_obs.value, colour="X_obs.value")) +
theme(legend.position="bottom") +
ggtitle("Lorenz") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
xlab("Time") +
> dim(synthetic_df)[1] 101 9
model LorenzState { const rho = 45.92 const beta = 4
const h = 0.1; // time step const delta_abs = 1.0e-3; // absolute error tolerance const delta_rel = 1.0e-6; // relative error tolerance
state X, Y, Z state ln_alpha
param mu, sigma
noise w
obs X_obs
sub parameter { mu ~ uniform(12.0, 20.0) sigma ~ uniform(0.0, 0.5) }
sub proposal_parameter { mu ~ truncated_gaussian(mu, 0.02, 12.0, 20.0); sigma ~ truncated_gaussian(sigma, 0.01, 0.0, 0.5); }
sub initial { X ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.2) Y ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.2) Z ~ log_normal(log(1.0), 0.2) ln_alpha ~ gaussian(log(mu), sigma) }
sub transition(delta = h) { w ~ normal (0.0, sqrt(h)) ode(h = h, atoler = delta_abs, rtoler = delta_rel, alg = 'RK4(3)') { dX/dt = exp(ln_alpha) * (Y - X) dY/dt = X * (rho - Z) - Y dZ/dt = X * Y - beta * Z dln_alpha/dt = -sigma * sigma / 2 - sigma * w / h } }
sub observation { X_obs ~ log_normal(X, 0.2) }}
model_file_name_state <- ""
LorenzState <- bi_model(model_file_name_state)
bi_state <- libbi(model=LorenzState)
bi_state <- filter(bi_state, nparticles = 4, nthreads = 1, end_time = T, noutputs = nObs, obs = synthetic_dataset, init = init_parameters)
> nObs[1] 100
> bi_file_summary(bi_state$output_file_name)File /private/var/folders/h1/bkwn2ct12hvb6__dzrk5gwx80000gn/T/Rtmp16Twxv/LorenzStatec4966c8f81a/ (NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4):
12 variables (excluding dimension variables): double time[nr] (Contiguous storage) double w[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double X[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double Y[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double Z[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double ln_alpha[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double mu[] (Contiguous storage) double sigma[] (Contiguous storage) 8 byte int clock[] (Contiguous storage) int ancestor[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double logweight[np,nr] (Contiguous storage) double loglikelihood[] (Contiguous storage)
2 dimensions: nr Size:138 np Size:4
3 global attributes: libbi_schema: ParticleFilter libbi_schema_version: 1 libbi_version: 1.4.1
> output$logweight$time[9] - output$logweight$time[10][1] -3.469447e-18
> output <- bi_read(bi_state)> logw <- xtabs(value ~ time + np, data = output$logweight)> dim(logw)[1] 101 4
When doing inference, LibBi will output at the time of each observation, and on a regular grid as specified by noutputs, eliminating the intersection between these two sets.
It seems here that the computations for the grid points are slightly different (as in, the tiniest numerical deviation!) from the observation times that appear in the observation file, and so you get double outputs at some times essentially.
As you say it may not be a problem, just a nuisance. I'm not sure I have a quick fix for you. Postprocess the output perhaps? Use a power of two noutputs to avoid decimal rounding?
Either this or you're somehow passing a different noutputs the second time, e.g. noutputs=100 to generate the data set (indeed this will produce 101 obs by the way, one at time zero and 100 equispaced after), and then noutputs=101 the second time.
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