Sample Project

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Mar 23, 2011, 6:22:52 PM3/23/11
to lib-gwt-svg
Is this
available for download? (Like an eclipse project, may be?)

Lukas Laag

Mar 24, 2011, 3:49:21 AM3/24/11
Yes, it is available from several sources.

+ If you use maven, it is actually available from the maven central repository:|org.vectomatic|lib-gwt-svg-samples|0.5.2
+ You can also get it from my maven repository

Otherwise you can get the source code from the svn repository

All these source contain a .project and a .launch eclipse file so you
can get it to work fairly quickly under eclipse (you will need to
tweak the eclipse run configuration a bit so fix the paths to the jar
files as they point to jar locations inside my own filesystem). The
quickest way to get it up an running is:
1/ install the maven and svn eclipse plugin
2/ add the svn repository location to the list of repositories in eclipse
3/ browse the repository to locate the project you are interested in,
right-click on it and select: "check out as maven project"


ivar vasara

Apr 14, 2011, 4:23:01 AM4/14/11
Hi Lukas (and other lib-gwt-svg community members),

Forgive me if these questions are basic, but I've spent the evening
trying to configure a new eclipse install to experiment with
My goal is to just to get a basic gwt application working to
experiment with and learn from.

To start, I tried to follow your instructions and use maven and svn.
Using the svn browser I can find the projects easily enough, but I
have never been presented with the option to 'checkout as maven
I am using m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
(Incubation) (
- is this the maven plugin you recommend ?
If I do select 'Find/Checkout as' there is nothing maven related so
I've just gone ahead and checked out lib-gwt-svg trunk and
In order to get lib-gwt-svg trunk to build without errors I had to
manually add the GWT library and junit.jar.

My efforts to get the examples project to build have failed so far. I
have manually added the jhighight jar to the build path

In addition to errors for several missing resources I get the following:
CHKJ3008E: Missing or invalid WAR
file. libgwtsvg-samples Unknown Validation Message
The web.xml file does not
exist WEB-INF /libgwtsvg-samples/war Unknown Google Web App Problem

I'm sad to admit that my search skills have failed me and I'm not sure
how to proceed with dealing with these errors. The best I could find
is other people having difficulties with eclipse with GWT & maven.

Any suggestions for getting up and running would be greatly appreciated.


~ paPus ~

Apr 14, 2011, 8:48:00 AM4/14/11
to lib-gwt-svg
I might have misunderstood you, but if you want to get started, here
is how to do it:
If I remember well (I rarely do), I got GWT and LIB-GWT-SVG working by
downloading Eclipse and adding the gwt and lib-gwt-svg repository to
the updates (Help -> Install new software -> add "
eclipse/plugin/3.6" and "
lib-gwt-svg/0.5.1/" (if it can't find it, just add the downloaded lib-
gwt-svg-0.5.1.jar in the project properties to "Java build path" ->
top of the "Libraries")) and installing everything from it.
After that start a new GWT project (New Web Application Project from
the menu bar (before the run and debug buttons)) and add the following
line to [yourprojectname].gwt.xml file:
<inherits name='org.vectomatic.libgwtsvg'/>
before this line:
<inherits name=''/>

I think that should get you started on a new project.

> > On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 11:22 PM, PARSH <> wrote:
> >> Is this

Adam Bender

Apr 14, 2011, 11:12:13 AM4/14/11
It sounds to me like there is misconfiguration between maven and GWT. The solution I would offer is a pre-configured maven project properly configured for GWT 2.1. You can find it at github using the link below. The project is the minimum configuration required to get a GWT 2.1 project running with Maven 3 and it can be imported directly into Eclipse (tested on Helios). In order to add support for lib-svg-gwt  just add the following dependency to the pom:








Git Repo:

I have found this little template to be quite useful when prototyping new GWT applications and the libraries. 


Adam Bender

Apr 14, 2011, 11:13:38 AM4/14/11
Note that the above configuration will also support Maven 2 just fine as well. In addition if you'd like to change the version of GWT configured there is a single spot in the pom for doing so.


Jon Hale

Feb 5, 2014, 3:50:35 PM2/5/14
Are there updated instructions to get the sample project up and running in eclipse with maven?
I have been wrestling with this for a while, and though I have made some progress, it has still been a tough road.
I have gotten to the point where I can build a war file using mvn and install the war file on a tomcat server and have it run correctly. Hurrah!
But now I want to get it to run in DevMode in eclipse and am having troubles. 
After clicking on Run As ... Web Application: In the console I get the message "[WARN] No startup URLs supplied and no plausible ones found -- use -startupUrl" and I do not get a url to double click on to send me into my browser.

Thanks for any help/advice,

Lukas Laag

Feb 10, 2014, 4:11:30 AM2/10/14
I use eclipse to develop the project, so there is a .launch file in the repository called lib-gwt-svg-samples.launch. If you open the project in Eclipse, you ought to be able to launch it by selecting 'Run > Run As > lib-gwt-svg-samples' menu item from the IDE.
Otherwise, it is should be possible to launch it manually using these params:

-gen target/generated-src -bindAddress -startupUrl lib-gwt-svg-samples.html org.vectomatic.svg.samples.libgwtsvgsamples

You can then access the code at this URL:

Also note that you will need a FF version V26 or lower to run it in dev mode. Dev mode does not work any more with FF27 or higher. I do not know if it works with other browsers than FF. This is not lib-gwt-svg specific, if I understood correctly, Dev mode is discontinued in favor of SuperDevMode in GWT.

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