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Last bundle of LIAM2 for windows

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Sep 9, 2020, 9:39:36 AM9/9/20
to liam2-users
Dear all, 

I hope everybody is doing good.

I am writing to ask a simple question, but very relevant in the context I am working.
In fact, I have the obligation to work with the version of LIAM2 published on So I am supposed to use the LIAM2 0.12 bundle for Windows 64 bit (51.42 Mb).

However, some functionalities published on Github like weigths= or some of the functions listed here : fatally failed.

So, I am wondering if I am using the right bundle ? 

Thank you for your help in advance.


Gaëtan de Menten

Sep 9, 2020, 10:53:47 AM9/9/20

Hi Djibril,


You are using the right bundle (the latest released bundle) but the examples you link to (extexpr, et al.) are new functionalities from the development version (future 0.13) so it's perfectly normal they fail for 0.12.

On the other hand, weights= should be in 0.12. What kind of problem are you having with them?


I am sorry about this situation. I have been hoping to finalize and release the new version (0.13) for years now and I always hope to be able to publish a new version of LIAM2 "somewhat soon" but it is always pushed back by higher priority projects coming in, so I cannot reliably predict when it will happen. One option which might be possible is that your employer (whatever it is) provides some funding to my institution (the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau) so that LIAM2 would be an higher priority project for me for a while 😉.


Hope it helps,


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Mahdi Ben Jelloul

Sep 9, 2020, 11:03:31 AM9/9/20
to liam2-users
Hi Gaetan,

According to tags, extexpr is in the version 0.12.0 on github.
Is there a mismatch between versions and released bundles ?

Thank you,

Mahdi Ben Jelloul

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Gaëtan de Menten

Sep 9, 2020, 11:41:36 AM9/9/20

Hello Mahdi,


As far as I know, there is no mismatch between tags and release bundles, but extexpr was an experimental and undocumented feature in 0.12. There was probably a reason I did not include it in the release notes (even though I don't remember that reason), so it does not really surprise me it does not work as you would like. On the other hand, normally the test included in the release should work with the release, since all tests are checked before release, and since there was a test for it, it ought to at least somewhat work. Being time-constrained as I am, I hope you can understand that I cannot support you if you decide to use that anyway and it does not work, I have a hard enough time supporting people using documented/official features of the stable version and the latest development version to also support unfinished/undocumented features in released versions.




Mahdi Ben Jelloul

Sep 10, 2020, 3:24:58 PM9/10/20
to liam2-users
Thank you Gaëtan.

Mahdi Ben Jelloul

Djibril Togola

Sep 11, 2020, 1:12:11 PM9/11/20
Hello Gaëtan, 

I thank you for your helpful answer.
You will find enclosed the error file generated when using the option "weight=".

I talked to my supervisor about the need for funding your institution. He promised to do his best to sell this idea to the final decision maker in my institution.

Many thanks for the great job you already did with LIAM2.

Djibril TOGOLA

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