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Ingrid Schockaert

May 22, 2018, 5:23:14 AM5/22/18
to liam2-users
Dear Gaëtan,

Is there a possibility to "hide" the initial Population and Household data in the model. I mean, now the "real" data are visible in a .csv. Is it possible to let a third party work on the model without him/her seeing these initial (confedential) data?


Gaëtan de Menten

May 22, 2018, 10:07:16 AM5/22/18

Hello Ingrid,


This is not possible in LIAM2 (and I don't see how any simulation tool which allow exporting individual data could do this).  If your only worry is the .csv file, you could only give the .h5 file without the .csv file but that does NOT protect the actual data in any way since you can always explore (or even dump to .csv) all data within the simulation.


Your best bet is to create a synthetic data which reproduce your initial population aggregate characteristics as best as possible and give that to the third party. It takes a lot of time to construct such a dataset but this can also be very useful for developing the model or testing (e.g. on a smaller sample).


An alternative is to apply enough modification to your original dataset to anonymize it, but doing this properly without making your dataset completely useless is no easy task. Honestly, given the effort that would be necessary to do this correctly (assuming we even have the right to do so – which I have no idea), and the potentially catastrophic consequences for us if we did this wrong, we never even tried to do this for external third parties. If you want to go that route, I found the following software package seemed promising (I never tested it though):



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Ingrid Schockaert

May 22, 2018, 12:03:29 PM5/22/18
to liam2-users
Many thanks for all the information
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