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Python instalation conflict

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Luis Manso

Apr 29, 2019, 8:56:55 AM4/29/19
to liam2-users
Dear Gaetan,

I have run into an issue where Liam2 conflicts with my Python instalation. I have read the your answer on the issue where I could just clear my Path and then restore it after running Liam2. My question is, is it possible to do this from within Liam2 (notepad) so I do not necessarily have to do it via the cmd windown (manually) any time I wish to run a simulation on Liam2?

Best regards,
Luis Manso

Gaëtan de Menten

Jul 19, 2019, 11:06:03 AM7/19/19

Sorry for the slow reply. I hope this is still relevant…


Which version of LIAM2 are you using? This shouldn't be a problem for version 0.12 onwards. Alternatively, you could make a backup of the file at:

<your liam2 folder>/editor/Data/settings/plugins/config/npes_saved.txt


Then overwrite it with the one from version 0.12 that you can download at:


Hope it helps,



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