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random assigment of municipality id's to households.

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Ingrid Schockaert

Feb 19, 2019, 4:38:46 AM2/19/19
to liam2-users
Dear all,

To simulate the internal emigrations of households to 47 destinations (groups of municipalities indicated by field indx), 
I use the following code
- int_migration_targets: load('int_migration_targets.csv', type=int)
                - indx2: 1
                - new_mun: -1
                - while indx2 <=47:
                    - need: int_migration_targets[:,:,:,indx]  ##number of emigration to each destination (indx) by age,sex,householdposition
                    - target: TARGET[indx,:,:]   ##probability of emigration by municipality to each destination (47 groups of municipalities: table "indx,res_id,period")
                    - logitscore: logit_score(0.0) ##to be defined 
                    - is_candidate: align(logitscore,target, leave=persons.count(age>88)>0 or num_person>7 or new_mun>-1)
                    - migrant_pool: align_abs(num_person,need, filter=is_candidate, link=persons)
                    - new_indx: if(migrant_pool, indx, new_indx)
                    - indx: indx+1

In the next step I need to randomly distribute the households over the municipalities within each group of municipalities (indx)
so in stead of field "new_indx" which goes from 1 to 47, I need a id of the municipalities in each group indx.
I have an entity "residency" with the field "indx".

Can anyone give me a clue on how to randomly assign a munipality id belonging to each new_indx to the households?

Hope my question was somewhat clear....

thanks in advance,

Gaëtan de Menten

Feb 19, 2019, 8:20:37 AM2/19/19

Hi Ingrid,


Assuming your municipalities ids range from 0 to N-1 (where N is the total number of municipalities) and each group of municipalities corresponds to a contiguous range of ids, this is not too hard:


                # define arrays which represent the first and "last" ID for each group

                # these could be defined as global arrays instead to load that information from an external file

                # In the example below, group 0 will "generate" ids between 0 and 9, group 1 will have ids 10 to 24, etc…

                - MUNGROUP_FIRSTID: array([ 0, 10, 25])

                - MUNGROUP_LASTID:  array([ 9, 24, 29])


                # if you prefer, you could just define a MUNGROUP_LENGTHS global array and compute FIRST and LAST ids automatically:

                - MUNGROUP_LENGTHS: array([ 10, 15, 5])

                - MUNGROUP_LASTID: MUNGROUP_LENGTHS.cumsum() - 1



                # sadly, randint, does not support bounds which are different per-individual, so this does not work:

                # - mun_id: randint(first_id, last_id + 1)

                # luckily uniform does, so we can emulate that:

                - mun_id: trunc(uniform(MUNGROUP_FIRSTID[group_id], MUNGROUP_LASTID[group_id] + 1))


                - show(dump(group_id, MUNGROUP_FIRSTID[group_id], MUNGROUP_LASTID[group_id], mun_id))


If your municipalities groups do not represent contiguous range of ids, this is also possible but trickier…


Hope it helps,




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Ingrid Schockaert

Feb 28, 2019, 7:30:51 AM2/28/19
to liam2-users
Dear Gaetan, 

My municipalities do not range from 0 to N-1. If necessary, I could change the id's in that sense, but arranging that each group of municipalities corresponds to contiguous range of ids is harder since I would like to use the same trick for internal and external migration and groups will not be the same. 

Therefore, I would be much interested in your trickier sollution without contiguous range of ids...


Gaëtan de Menten

Mar 18, 2019, 4:17:58 PM3/18/19

Dear Ingrid,


Sorry, but I realize now I never answered this message. As you may know, the Federal Planning Bureau is extremely busy these days to evaluate the consequences of political parties programs for the next Belgian elections. I will not have time to do anything not related to that project before mid May. And at that point I will have a lot of catching up to do for all the projects that I have put aside for several months now (such as LIAM2). In short, I am truly sorry but I will probably only have time to throw together some example code to answer this email properly somewhere in late May or June.


Sorry again,

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