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var: length array

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Ingrid Schockaert

May 26, 2020, 3:17:41 AM5/26/20
to liam2-users
Dear all

Can anyone tell me how I can programme the following variable correctly:

var: length Array

And could I use subsequently this variable in the following way?

while indx <= var:

Thank you in advance!

Gaëtan de Menten

May 27, 2020, 5:21:25 AM5/27/20

Hello Ingrid,


I am unsure I understand the question. Assuming you want to get the length of an array so that you can loop on all its elements, you can use '__len__()' on it.

Remember indexing is 0-based so you need to start at zero and continue while "< length", and NOT "<= length" !


                - length: arr.__len__()

                - idx: 0

                - while idx < length:

                    - show(arr[idx])

                    - idx: idx + 1


Hope it helps,



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