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divorce and break_partner

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Ingrid Schockaert

Apr 29, 2020, 6:23:29 AM4/29/20
to liam2-users
Dear all

I'm using the following code to simulate divorce 

            partner: {type: many2one, target: person, field: partner_id}

                - atrisk: (partner_id !=UNSET) and (is_migr==0) and (age<85) 
                - divorce: align(0.0, "i_scheiden.csv", filter=ISFEMALE and atrisk)
                - break_partner: partner.divorce
                - show (groupby(divorce,break_partner))               

The part of the code break_partner, however, doesn't work correctly:

divorce | break_partner |       |        
        |         False |  True |   total
  False |       8058259 | 14881 | 8073140
   True |         32137 |   157 |   32294
  total |       8090396 | 15038 | 8105434

It seems a very easy code to me, but I can't find why the "break_partner" is not working. As far as I know, in the database there are no duplicated partner_id's and no duplicated id's. 
In attachment, I added two examples from the vitables of a partner unwilling to break and/or the person divorced also being the breaking partner...

Thanks in advance!

example of failing break_partner.docx

Gaëtan de Menten

Apr 29, 2020, 8:04:48 AM4/29/20

Dear Ingrid,


I am a bit at a loss explaining what could be happening.


Just for my own sanity, I checked the same code on the demo model and it seems to give sensible results:


divorce | break_partner |      |     

        |         False | True | total

  False |          9961 |   29 |  9990

   True |            29 |    0 |    29

  total |          9990 |   29 | 10019



The only case where I can see divorce and break_partner to be both true at the same time (for the 157 individuals in your groupby), would be if somebody has him/herself as partner.


You could use:


>>> dump(filter=id == partner_id)


to check that.


As for why you have more divorce than break_partner, the only explanation I see is that you have inconsistent partner links somewhere (person X has person Y as partner but person Y has somebody else as partner -- or no partner at all).


You can find those using:


>>> dump(filter=partner_id != UNSET and partner.partner_id != id)


Also, you are using version 0.12, right (not that I can explain the behavior using an earlier version, but it helps to be on the same page)?


If the above does not help, I would need to somehow be able to execute your code myself to see what is happening behind the scene. Would it be possible for you to send me (not on the mailing list) some _runnable_ code & dataset which exhibits the problem?


Hope it helps,



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