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Tomas Miklosovic

Jul 6, 2019, 3:21:07 PM7/6/19
to liam2-users
Hi, I would like to ask how I can change dummy variables in the while loop.
I have 40 dummy variables: dummy1q1, dummy1q2, dummy1q3, dummy1q4, dummy2q1, dummy1q2,.....dummy10q2, dummy10q3 and dummy10q4. I would like to change thier values in while loop. For example:
- i: i=1
- while i<=10:
     - j: j=1
     - while j<=4:
         - dummy[i]q[j]: if(condition, False, dummy[i]q[j])
         - j: j+1
     - i: i+1

Liam 2 say: SYNTAX ERROR: invalid syntax
where(condition, False, dummy[i]q[j])

How can I fix it ?


Tomas M.

Gaëtan de Menten

Jul 19, 2019, 9:26:50 AM7/19/19

Sorry for the slow reply, I was on holidays.


The syntax error your are seeing as strictly speaking nothing to do with the while loop.


You can only have simple variables names as target of assignments, so "dummy[i]q[j]" is not a valid target.


The simplest way to fix this is to duplicate your "if" line 40 times:

    - dummy1q1: if(condition, False, dummy1q1)

    - dummy1q2: if(condition, False, dummy1q2)

    - dummy1q3: if(condition, False, dummy1q3)

    - dummy1q4: if(condition, False, dummy1q4)



You could probably also solve this by storing all those dummy variables in an array created using array([False, False, etc.]), you could simply do:

- dummy: if(condition, False, dummy)


But then you would be entering undocumented territory so I wouldn't advise doing that unless you know what you are doing.



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Tomas Miklosovic

Jul 26, 2019, 5:15:33 AM7/26/19
to liam2-users
Thank you for your answer.

But I looking for something more "effective".

It is possible add to LIAM2 functionality (in while loop) where would be possible doing with variables with numeric part? 
For example, as this command in python:

for k in range(5):
    exec(f'dummy{k} = 0')

After then it will be more efficiently doing with while loop (creating variables, changing variables or creating multiple csv output)

Thank you.


Dňa piatok, 19. júla 2019 15:26:50 UTC+2 Gaëtan de Menten napísal(-a):

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Gaëtan de Menten

Jul 26, 2019, 10:07:53 AM7/26/19

Hi again,


Sorry, but the exec solution is not going to happen, probably ever. On the other hand, the array solution will happen one day. Technically, many of the pre-requisites for that feature (array fields) are already in place and the missing bits wouldn't be too hard to implement… BUT, given the very little time I spend on LIAM2 these days, that is not going to happen "soonish" unless we receive significant help or funding from another institution.



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