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Re: [liam2-dev] Compiling tools for Liam2

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Gaëtan de Menten

Apr 7, 2014, 10:56:58 AM4/7/14
On 02/04/2014 12:33, Joe Bosak wrote:
> What would be the best open source and/or free tools to use for
> compiling the 64 bit version of liam2 under windows?

First, you should know that the parts that require compilation are
optional (if the compiled extensions are not present, it falls back to
Python-only versions automatically). That said, using the extensions is
recommended if you can, since it makes some operations much faster.

These days, I use Visual Studio 2008 express edition which is available
for free and included in the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1" to build both the 32 bit and 64 bit Windows
binaries. You can get the "web" installer at:
or, if you prefer, the full "iso" is at:

Previously I used MinGW ( to build the 32 bit
binaries, but it does not support 64 bit, hence I moved to Visual Studio
express. Later, I learned that another project does have that support:
Mingw-w64 ( but I have not found time
to test it yet.

When you have the compiler installed, you should modify the paths in
"setenvXX.bat" in liam2\src so that you can use the "compile_XXX.bat"
and "build_XXX.bat" scripts.

Hope it helps,
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