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Amany Amany

Dec 13, 2010, 8:39:45 AM12/13/10
to amany....@yahoo.com
I really hope you get this fast. I could not inform anyone about my trip, because it was impromptu. I had to be in Spain for a program. The program was successful, but my journey has turned sour.
I misplaced my wallet on my way back to my hotel after I went for sight seeing. The wallet contained all the valuables I had. Now, my passport is in custody of the hotel management pending when I make payment.

I will like you to assist me with a loan of $1,715 dollars to sort-out  my hotel bills and to get myself back home. I will appreciate whatever  you can afford to assist me with. I'll refund the money back to you as soon as I return. Let me know if you can be of any help ASAP.
I currently don't have a phone where i can be reached.
please let me know immediately. Thanks

david elder

Dec 13, 2010, 11:52:39 AM12/13/10
to lewesbe...@googlegroups.com
Spam baby spam

Rose MacGregor

Dec 13, 2010, 12:40:26 PM12/13/10
to lewesbe...@googlegroups.com
Yes, it is confirmed that this is SPAM. We all know and love Amany and her husband confirms she is safe and sound at home in Delaware. I have changed Amany's settings to 'moderated posts' until she gets her account situated. Any posts from her email will be reviewed before being sent to the group.
Happy Holidays!
Nomadic Magic Tribal Dance
"Dance you can improv with anyone, anywhere"

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