Lettuce support for Redis Labs offerings (essentials/pro/ultimate)

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Jun 26, 2020, 11:02:29 AM6/26/20
to lettuce-redis-client-users

we are evaluating various java clients for our micro-service. One of the requirements is to understand whether lettuce works with  Redis Labs cloud offerings (essentials/pro/ultimate). Is lettuce against this cloud ofeerings ?

Gowri Sankar Suryanarayana

Jun 27, 2020, 12:02:55 PM6/27/20
to abc, lettuce-redis-client-users
it shouldn't matter if Redis is a managed service or an in-house deployment. all the clients should work as is for majority of use cases

And RedisLabs does mention lettuce under the Java clients section
A.S.Gowri Sankar

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 8:32 PM abc <shasha...@gmail.com> wrote:

we are evaluating various java clients for our micro-service. One of the requirements is to understand whether lettuce works with  Redis Labs cloud offerings (essentials/pro/ultimate). Is lettuce against this cloud ofeerings ?

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