Robert Peel's Purported Letter, 1990

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Aug 6, 2010, 3:13:58 AM8/6/10
to Letters and Messages From Dave
A letter said to have come from Robert Peel received by Macy Pismo,
July 15, 1990.
Shared with as many as possible at the request of David James Nolan.

Here is what she later writes about the letter that is somewhat a
disclaimer that
it is actually written by Robert Peel. For myself, Paula, I think the
letter may have been written by David James Nolan in order to achieve
a larger
audience. However that is only my speculation.

Here is what Macy says about the letter:

"Dear ______, Just want to clarify: I am not saying that
Lee Z Johnson was Jesuit--that was part of the letter
from Robert Peel, sent to me as a copy, in 1996, but
written in 1990. I do not know who sent it, but when I
read it, it rang true to many things I had become
familiar with since 1989. I am in no position to verify
everything in the letter--I just know that much of it makes
sense, even today. I even went out and bought "The Jesuits" ,
by Malichi Martin, but have never read it. I did find a copy of the
called "Last Waltz of the Tyrants", and it was published
by a new age religious group up in WA--don't know the name, but
leader is Ramptha. I did read part of it, but it is lent out at
present, to
a friend who was wanting to peruse it--think she still has it. I
thought it was strange that Peel had read it, but he saw
something in it that compared to the point he was making.
Also, the only time I read "Destiny of the Mother
Church" I found nothing that deified MBE. I always did
feel that many had heard about the "deify" idea, and
read that into it, especially from members of "The
Mailing Fund", who were innundating the churches with
mailings at the time Destiny was published. (I understand
they are still in existence--in Cambridge, MA.) I find that many
do not separate the publishing of Destiny for the reasons of getting
the Maybury bequest and the merits of the book to be published
anyway--since it was written back in the 1940's. Do you know
the history of this? It is interesting."

And now -- here is the letter:

July 15, 1990


Dear Friends:

It is not necessarily my devotion to (or even approval of)
some of you, that prompts this letter, rather it is my
final evaluation that the Cause is doomed--irrevocably
and irreparably doomed--unless Headquarters personnel
are purged IMMEDIATLY. Since I may be in a unique
position to provide some small bit of help, I find my
loyalty to our Leader and to The Manual demands that I no
longer stand totally aside.


I offer these few comments to provide a modicum of
reassurance to you as to my "bona-fides".

Mr Nolan: Even though you would have no way of knowing this,
or recognizing me today, we used to see each other several times
a week during the time you were a summer employee
at The Mother Church. I was there during the time
you did your "end-run" around Charles Reilly, and
went directly to the CSBD after he refused permission
for you to start the Boston Commons outreach and the
Bookmobile. Of course, the CSBD granted you permission, and
these activities were consummately sucessful. Your last
tape recording (for many reasons) has given me
reassurance of YOUR credibility.


I am NOT party to the lunacy, of the so-called
ESTOPPEL CLAUSE arguments that would shut down
headquarters. Understand that right now. But, in the face of
indisputable evidence that headquarters is already shut down
by its own deliberate design and actions, I am
willing to offer assistance if it is wanted WITHOUT
participatory help in this stupid estoppel diversion from the
REAL issue. (Too bad Robert Peel felt
comfortable in alluding to his Leader as a lunatic. Anyone
with a lick of common sense can see if one can't
comply with a provision of a contract clause, that
clause can't then be exercised. Immeasurable harm has
been caused since 1911 by disobedience to Mrs. Eddy's
Church Manual in the rejection of elementary legal
provisions wisely established by her--provisions God gave
her as the situation warranted.

This letter to Mr. Nolan and the field may be Robert Peel's way of
repenting for the wrong he did his Leader, especially in
the last book of his three volumn biography on Mary
Baker Eddy.)


1. Religious Focus: The mistake that EVERY wrongly-called
"dissident" and every one of you has made is the preconceived
assumption that headquarters is in the hands of misguided
and deranged men and women who are, nevertheless,
spiritually-minded and religiously interested in maintaining
headquarters as a RELIGION. That's why no one understands what
is going on; so we hear all the laments of, "How could they be doing
these things?", as though "they"--TMC Executives--were merely
deluded and confused.

Religiously identifiable personalities at headquarters today
are only vestigal figureheads to maintain the ILLUSION that hdqtrs now
is the same as it always was. But the REAL ownership of hdqtrs has
changed; it now is totally non-religious with NO INTEREST in
maintaining or
perpetuating, in reality, a vital, viable religion, except as a
"smoke-screen" for their REAL purposes.

Read the book, Last Waltz of the Tyrants! While it may
not directly apply, it furnishes the model for
greater understanding of the subversion and takeover that
became openly active in 1966. Here again, the book, The
Jesuits, by Malachi Martin, furnished background and
example by documenting the Jesuits BREAK with the Pope in
1966, our Centennial year, and the time of "their" move
at hdqtrs, (There are 2 books by this title; one is
worthless, get MARTIN's.)

If you read The Jesuits, incredible similarities between their work
and the
"mysterious" changes at hdqtrs since 1966, will emerge. For
example, in 1966 the Jesuits' break with the Pope was
signaled by their total takeover of South America, and
their invention of "liberation theology" which was
splashed all over the press. You'll see the same thing
happening in the CS movement, including today's complete
focus on South America by hdqtrs in all of its outreach
efforts. As one executive said last year, "It's ALL South
America up here." Of course, all of the drugs come from
there, too!

The "glue" that holds together such
seemingly bizarre bed companions as Jesuits, Mafia, and
CS'ers is the now easily recognizable flood of HUMANISM
emanating from hdqtrs through the periodicals and the
Lectures. This humanist, "do something human", propaganda
is enough to maintain an aura of religiousosity and
at the same time mask the secular piracy of hdqtrs,
and, indeed, of the entire movement.

Eliminating Mrs. Eddy ENTIRELY was, of course,
non-negotiable and a pre-requesite for them to accomplish this.
(Within the last 5 years, Friesen made the statement, "By
the year 2000 the name Mary Baker Eddy won't be heard
at headquarters any more.")

Indeed, have you discovered that in the much-touted electronic
CONCORD, under "Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker", 3 KEY citations are
On pg. 141, col.2 of the printed concordance to S&H
there is one reference to "messenger" (455:24) and 2
references to "one" (455:21, 455:25.) These are in the
printed concordance, but are NOT in the computer Concord.
This is deliberate. It will be explained by Boston,
but not truthfully.

Another example: We have had two global TV meetings.
The 2nd so-called "Lecture Prep," meeting at which the main message
"we've closed the door on the past." HOWEVER, it was at
the first meeting, "To Live For All Mankind", that the message of
"THE NEW MOVEMENT" was planted in the thought of the audience.
This was quite literally an exact description of the Board's
intentions. They
intend to--and are--building an entirely new organization that will
completely separate from the constraints and restraints of The Manual,
all the Deeds of Trust, and Mrs. Eddy's continuing leadership. Look at
what's happened at Headquarters in 4 years that has
accomplished this. One major move was the creation of the C.S. M.
which originally included just about every CSPS activity, and was--and
away from TMC property, in rental quarters in the city. When this was
to be too "risky", the Syndicate's high profile was made somewhat less
prominent by
taking the Monitor advertising function away from it. How was this
By eliminating advertising completely from the Monitor. Clever move!
The plan, "up
there", IS to create an entirely separate secular organization,
detached from The
Manual-based church organization, but nominally legitimized by a
church shell. If you read "Last Waltz", you'll see that the choke-hold
on the world
predicated Mrs. Eddy by many dozens of decades. SURELY she knew this;
this was the evil the Cause faced and about which she tried to SAFELY
warn us, and
all loyal workers. Mrs. Eddy COULD NOT have been ignorant of an evil
of this
monumental significance.


You all have been looking at headquarters as though it actually
existed according to The Manual's designated organizational structure,
which might
be depicted in this way:

From your own experience, what means a seemingly
endless supply and sudden influx of new money?
"Syndicate" drug laundering. Again, for startling parellels,
you really should have seen PBS/Corp. for Pub.
Broadcasting airing of WGBH (Boston) program, "Who Prifits
From Drugs?"--(The video is available from PBS Video,
1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, and
transcript is available for $5 from Frontline Transcripts
Journal Graphics, Inc., 267 Broadway, New York 10007 or
222-227-READ.) In it they document how legitimate businesses are
the ultimate benefactors of drug $ laundering; one
bought a radio station; a huge drug ring in Boston was
explored; a multi-ton distribution of marijuana out of the
basement of Horticultural Hall was highlighted. You really
should have this information.

How does all this New Hampshire activity tie in to the sale of Plesant
View? How do these multiple interlinking elements fit

Harvey, from Chicago, where EVERY Mafia family
OWNED its own Jesuit priest to keep it out of hell

Harvey, probably raised by, or as a Jesuit until his teen
years. Chicago/Harvey CS's occupying nearly all key
posts at TMC
* Bowersock and Hoagland brought in to control Harvey, to
CREATE the need for vast infusions of cash at the same time the drug
cartels have their unmanageable mountain of cash to launder daily.
* Jesuit/Drug/Hidden world interest, in league world-wide; what makes
think they overlooked TMC?
(Lee Johnson (former Archivist of TMC), Harvey Wood
and others are reputed to have Jesuit backgrounds.
Error MUST and will be unncovered. It cannot remain

"The march of mind and of honest investigation
will bring the hour when the people will chain, with
fetters of some sort, the growing occultism of this
period. The present apathy as to the tendancy of certain
active yet unseen mental human agencies will finally be
shocked into another extreme mortal mood,--into human
indignation; for one extreme follows another." S&H

ANOTHER serious question centers around the "APPARENT"
vacancy in the former Bank's quarters on the ground level of
236 Huntington Ave. Why still vacant; what use is being made of it;
who ordered
this? What REALLY goes on in this property?


Why don't all of your people suppress your major (and very real)
differences and start
working together. pooling your resources, information, and mailing
lists? None of you
will EVER go any where by trying to fund-and-function all alone. TMC
bankrupt you just as it did the Carpenter Foundation, or it will kill
you--one way or the
other. But what you do is your own business.

You and I will (probably) never meet or speak directly. As Mr. Nolan's
documents, there is NO SUCH THING as a confidential file of
if TMC wants your files it will get them; even if it has to suborn
state agencies.

Thankyou for reading this far. Now IS the Armageddon of which Mrs.
Eddy wrote only once, and which she foresaw in her remarkable message
in Mis.177. Now, the rest is up to you, individually or collectively.

As metaphysicians we ALL KNOW, and ACCEPT the
incontestable fact of one infinite, omnipotent God; we also
accept the perfection of His idea, man, through
reflection. But this letter represents a human resonse to the
relative situation, and is supported by Mrs Eddy's pungent

"Escape from evil, and designate those as unfaithful
stewards who have seen the danger and yet have given no
warning." (S&H 571:12)

"But what of ourselves, and our times and obligations? Are we duly
of our own great opportunities and responsibilities? Are we
prepared to meet and improve them, to act up to the acme
of divine energy wherewith we are armored?" (end of letter)

Signed in Robert Peel's hand--a little shakey, much as MBE's writing
in her last year when she had Laura Sargent write,

"It took a combination of sinners that was fast to harm me" (in
hand) MBE signed it, in her own hand.The previous page certainly has
message for the present--"The time for thinkers" has INDEED come. That
is what
I meant, in the past, when I said, rather dramatically, the Cause is
in our hands.
It still rings true. Robert Peel thought so, it seems. (I, (Macy),
tried to
make no changes in the letter, in punctuation or
emphasis in capitol letters. A few underlined words were
in the letter and I do not know how to underline on line.)

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