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Feb 1, 2008, 3:49:51 AM2/1/08
to Letters and Messages From Dave

Clearly, Christ Jesus prophesied and promised, when an angel imparted
his revelation to St. John, that to those who "overcometh" not only
would they be given to eat of the "hidden manna," but moreso! "To him
that overcometh" will be given a "white stone, and in the stone a new
name written." In the Aramaic and Hebrew tongues, the term, "white
stone" means precisely the same thing.

"White stone" is the English interpretation of what, in the original
lexicon meant, "a clean, unused, never used, and smoothly prepared
surface ready to receive inscription, seal or pressurized
impressions." With that definition, or meaning in mind, let me
share that which Mind has revealed, for truly has this
been a revelation, as you will clearly see. It has been the reward for
having been obedient to heeding the Master's admonition wherein he

"Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel
which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. . . Take it, and eat
it up. . . And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many
peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings." Science summons,
"Mortals, obey the heavenly evangel. Take divine Science. Read this
book ["Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"] from beginning
to end. Study it, ponder it" [See: S&H 559:19]. Having obediently
complied for a half century with this admonition, this writer's
reward is nigh impossible to articulate nor comprehend!

Obedience to the Master's instruction constituted "a preparation of
the heart" [See: Rud. 9:15] that enabled thought to discover the
"white stone, and "'IN' [NOT ON] the stone a new name written."
Having once discovered the "white stone" it was seen as a wedding
link that connected "Science and Health" with "Key to the
Scriptures." Opening your textbook, you will notice that
the end of "Science and Health" is on page 597. The next page, 598,
is "a clean, unused, never used, and smoothly prepared surface ready
to receive inscription, seal or pressurized impressions." This also
describes and identifies what we see appearing on page 500! These two
pages in our sacred textbook, 598 and 500, are the "white stone" about
which Christ Jesus was prophesying! Also, in the Master's prophecy, he
said that "in" not "on" the stone, "is a new name written." Turning to
page 499, which is "in" the "white stone" we find the "new name
written." However, Mind dictated to Mrs. Eddy
to attribute that which is written "in the stone," not to Christ
Jesus, but rather, to "REVELATION"! For, truly this discernment and
spiritual understanding anoints whomever is ready to "receiveth it"
and it dawns within individual conscious awareness, as does whatever
of Truth is known upon earth; namely, exclusively by divine

"IN," not ON, the "white stone" we read:

"These things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the
key of David, He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and
no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an
open door, and no man can shut it. -- REVELATION.

This verse of Scripture is the ONLY one from the Bible that has been
employed by Mrs. Eddy, not merely once, but rather, TWICE within her
textbook! Not one other example exists where a single verse of
Scripture that is used a second time throughout the entire textbook!
This is another important clue we discover when undertaking our quest
for Truth! The second use of this Scriptural verse is found on page
579, at the beginning of the chapter, "Glossary," where again the
verse of Scripture is attributed, not to Christ Jesus, but rather,
to "REVELATION"! Mrs. Eddy knew the imperative need to employ this
verse of Scripture a second time for she understood it to
be "the stone which the builders [of the material church
organization] have rejected," as its spiritual import and
interpretation are cosmic in scope, as this is the "same"
stone that is destined to be "the head of the corner"
[See: Matt. 21:42; Ps. 118:22; Message '00. 5:22; `01. 25:3;
`02. 2:12; Hea. 3:6-10; Isa.28: 16-17; 1 Pet. 2:1-7; Mark 12:10;
Acts 4:11; Lu. 20:17; Ch. Man. 18:1].

Should any reader of this post feel any degree of resistance within
consciousness to that which is being revealed herein, then know with
scientific certainty that whatever is causing the resistance to be
felt, is nothing other than an antichrist influence that would
absolutely prevent the "honest seeker for Truth" from attaining to
become "he that receiveth it." So long as mental resistance to that
which is now before thought is being felt, know that such resistance
is only a temporal mental obstruction that, if not spiritually
translated, would prevent one from `receiving' that which is now being
revealed. Only he who discerns and spiritually understands the
impeccable veracity of that which is being revealed herein is
qualified to be he whom Christ Jesus has identified as being "him
that receiveth it."

Science reveals, "The Holy Spirit takes the things of God and showeth
them unto the creature; and these things being spiritual, they disturb
the carnal and destroy it; they are revolutionary, reformatory, and
now, as aforetime -- they cast out evils and heal the sick. He of
God's household who loveth and liveth most the things of Spirit,
receiveth them most; he speaketh wisely, for the spirit of his Father
speaketh through him; he worketh well and healeth
quickly, for the spirit giveth him liberty: "Ye shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
[See: `01. 9:22].

Once consciousness enters within the "open door" it is prepared to
behold the spiritual enlightenment that derives from "God's window
that lets in light" [See: Ret. 90:2]. This immediate hour is one of
great gladness and rejoicing! Mrs. Eddy made no provision for the
wedding of one human being to another human being to ever be conducted
within her Church! Many Christian Scientists have often wondered why
Mrs. Eddy made, with spiritual fortitude and conscious intent, such
an omission. Mary Baker Eddy understood her Church to be commissioned
by God to conduct the marriage of the whole of humanity to the one
divinity, and thereby to reveal and render the two -- the
"Adorable One" [See: S&H 16:29]. By obeying strictly that which Mind
directed her to do, did she demonstrate herself a "wife." "Let us be
glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb
is come, and his wife hath made herself ready [See: Rev. 19:7].
Referring to herself, Mrs. Eddy wrote:

"The Lamb's wife presents [not represents] the unity of male and
female as two individual natures in one; and this compounded spiritual
individuality reflects God as Father-Mother, not as a corporeal being.
In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no
impediment to eternal bliss, -- to the perfectibility of God's
creation" [See: S&H 577:4].


In Joseph Armstrong's book, "The Mother Church," when writing about
the windows in the Original church edifice, he revealed the following:
"A number of the window subjects were chosen by our teacher and
mother. . ." [See: pg. 65]. Mr. Armstrong omitted to include the
details about the ten foot by twenty foot oval window, directly in
the center of the auditorium's ceiling, directly
above, at the highest spot within the church auditorium.
This is the window that was designed exclusively by Mrs. Eddy. And,
as was the case regard all of Mrs. Eddy's other requests which she
made of the directors, her design was meticulously executed to appear
as it does today! However, the one window for which Mrs. Eddy was
exclusively responsible for designing is the one that
is most overlooked by those who are given guided tours
through the Original Edifice. Today, visitor's attention is drawn to
the other beautiful windows that appear within the walls of the church
structure, at the expense of entirely omitting any mention whatsoever
of the oval window above the heads of everyone in the auditorium. In
regard to this window, and the star at its center, Science reveals:

"The star of Bethlehem is the star of Boston, high in the zenith of
Truth's domain, that looketh down on the long night of human beliefs,
to pierce the darkness and melt into dawn. The star of Bethlehem is
the light of all ages; is the light of Love, to-day christening
religion undefiled, divine Science; giving to it a new name, and
the white stone in token of purity and permanence. Wise men follow
this guiding star" [See: Mis. 320:22].

The current worldwide controversy that has swept throughout the Cause
of Christian Science since the publication of Bliss Knapp's "Destiny
of The Mother Church," is a shrewdly designed fabrication consisting
of superstition, mere human opinion, ignorance, and pride, not to
mention it being the seminal strategy of animal magnetism whereby its
intent to destroy Christian Science is being implemented! Indeed, very
few incidents throughout the entire history of the Cause have come
anywhere near inflicting the damage, neither have they succeeded in
implementing so successfully such a wedge of destruction, as has the
controversy between today's Christian Scientists over that which is
revealed within the Knapp writ.

All the while this anitchrist assault on the Cause has been raging, a
visual symbol which Mrs. Eddy designed and instructed the directors to
have installed within the ceiling of the Original Edifice, has gone
completely overlooked, despite the fact that Science reveals,
"Spiritual teaching must always be done by symbols" [See: S&H 575:13].
Perhaps the most comprehensive and light emitting symbol Mrs. Eddy
ever employed to depict the totality of all the truth which Mind
revealed to her receptive and conceptive thought, goes entirely
unseen, unidentified and unrecognized by the masses of humanity. Why?
Simply because the human mind gets so entranced at what it is looking
at, that it misses entirely that which it should be looking for!

In this Group's "Photos" collection you will find an excellent
photograph of the oval window that exists in the direct center of the
ceiling over the Original Edifice church auditorium. Please open the
picture and have it before you as the message Mrs. Eddy executed
within this `prototype symbol' is revealed. It is crucially important
that our Leader's symbol be spiritual discerned and understood, for it
contains the definitive answer that is intended to resolve,
permanently, the current controversy that still rages about whether or
not Mrs. Eddy is the literal, latter-day fulfillment of all of the
Bible's sixteen prophet's prophecies!

With the picture before you, notice that the ten foot by twenty foot
oval window is surrounded by darkness, or non-emitting ceiling
material. However, at the outer edge of the large oval you will notice
that there begin an oval arrangement of sixteen panels which are
widest at the oval's outer circumference. All of these sixteen panels
taper down in size as they converge toward the center and point to a
smaller oval that is identical in shape, however, much, much smaller,
than the window's outer circumference.

These sixteen light emitting panels are symbolic of the Holy
Scriptures sixteen prophets who have, each and all, shared a unique
and an enlightening idea, or vision! Of the sixteen prophets, four are
known as the "Major Prophets", and twelve are known as the "Minor
Prophets." However, whether major or minor, all partook of one grand
and holy idea, or spiritual vision, and they provided glorious
glimpses of the incontrovertible fact that the "benighted
understanding" [See: S&H Pre. vii:7-8] of all humanity was destined
to become enlightened, in some future time, or dispensation, by an
appearance in the flesh of a messenger from God, -- that eventually
became known and identified as the Messiah, or the Christ!

The one smaller oval in the skylight that is shaped, identically, as
the large oval, but is much closer toward the center, is the symbol of
the one, divine Christ which was prophesied by each and all of the
Scripture's sixteen prophets! Let's take a look at what the prophet,
Micah, prophesied about the Messiah, or the Christ, which was destined
to appear. What you're about to read is Micah's prophecy which was
imparted to the children of Israel approximately four hundred years
before the birth of the baby Jesus. Make careful note when reading
Micah's prophecy that he not only identified precisely where the
Messiah would be born, but infinitely moreso! Micah foresaw far beyond
the time of Jesus, and he presents within his prophecy a vivid glimpse
of that which was to occur after the Messiah's, or the Christ's
First Advent upon earth had been concluded:

"But thou, Bethlehem, Ephratah, though thou be little among the
thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that
is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old,
from everlasting. Therefore will he give them up, until the time that
she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his
brethren shall return unto the children of Israel"
[See:Mic. 5:2-3]. Clearly, Micah foresaw a dispensation beyond
that of the Christ's First Advent to humanity, when a woman "which
travaileth" [See: Rev. 12:2] would appear to complete that which her
predecessor had initiated, and insodoing, return the remnant of his
brethren, or those who partake of his name, back unto the children of

Notice, if you will, the smaller oval near the center of the skylight,
that it is evenly divided directly down the middle by a straight line.
This separation distinguishes one side of the smaller oval from the
other. The one Christ which is the divine manifestation of the one
Father-Mother God, consists also of an invisible, spiritual, yet dual,
male/female NATURE. The male ESSENCE, or visible symbol of this
invisible, spiritual complexion was the Christ's human male prototype
named Jesus. Whereas, the female ESSENCE, or visible symbol of this
invisible spiritual complexion was the Christ's visible human
prototype, Mary Baker Eddy! Subsequently, and due to the triumphant
missions of the invisible Christ's two visible human prototypes, the
revelation of our Father-Mother God's WHOLENESS is now revealed and
available to all humanity, in Christian Science! And this, in
absolute conformity to, "They [the seven synonymous terms for God] are
intended to express the nature, essence, and wholeness of Deity"
[S&H 465:13-14].

Due to the dual contributions of the Christ's two human prototypes,
the WHOLENESS of Deity is now revealed. This WHOLENESS is symbolized
in the window by the one circle contained entirely within the window's
inner and smaller oval! The circle is two feet across, and it contains
a two foot wide, magnificent Austrian crystal multifaceted seven
pointed star, which is the symbol of the sevenfold WHOLENESS of Deity!

When the Sunlight beams through this perfectly clear,
exquisitely faceted star, an innumerable display of beautiful rainbows
appear all over the interior of the Original Edifice's church
auditorium -- each one consisting of a complete spectrum of seven
distinct colors! Although the symbolic ceiling skylight remains
silent above the heads of all who assemble within the auditorium of
Original Edifice, its spiritual and metaphysical message
is heard to sound as an exploding thunder to anyone so blessed as to
be consciously anointed by the Holy Ghost, and thereby, discover
themselves endowed with a pure and permanent love for humanity's
blessed Lord, Christ Jesus, and beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy!

Beloved Christian Scientists, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I
say, Rejoice" [See: Php. 4.4]. I have set before thee and
"open door," and no man can shut it!

In Unity of Good,

David James Nolan, Chancellor
The Christian Science University

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