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Mar 11, 2008, 1:35:35 AM3/11/08
to Letters and Messages From Dave
Dear US,

Although many devout and exceedingly dedicated students of
Christian Science know all of the details that pertain to that
about which I'm about to go public and relate, I hesitated for
years to make any such public disclosure of that which you're
about to read. However, if for no other purpose or objective,
that which you're about to read constitutes a most prime and
absolute confirmation of our Leader's oft repeated adage;
namely, "Time tells all stories true." Mary Baker Eddy

You're about to be exposed to an unabashedly honest disclosure
of one of the most flagrant instances of unmitigated plagiarism
I'm sure you'll ever come across. There are mitigating factors
that will be disclosed at the end of this post that, as far as I
am concerned, justified the horrific practice of outright
plagiarism, as a much more serious and diabolical scenario of
factors suffered the fate of never being exposed had the
plagiarist been called to account for the infractions that were
being engaged in, scot free!

During the latter-stages of the many year long copyright case
legal embroilment, I knew full well the utter impossibility,
once the case was won, and never once throughout the decade that
the case was inching its way, one Court at a time, on to its
eventual victorious outcome did I ever entertain the slightest
doubt that the Case would meet with a triumphant outcome to that
which eventually turned out to be one of the most important
First Amendment challenges that the American Judiciary System
was ever called upon to adjudicate.

The Boston Church's final strategy consisted of an extremely
hostile and deadening personal vendetta and assault against me,
as I was from the outset of the legal embroilment, the Chairman
of the Committee of United Christian Scientists, Inc., the
Plaintiff in the Copyright Case. If I could be depleted of my
personal property, portfolio of investments, and a ninety nine
year lease I owned with R. J. Reynolds, on a 4,000 acre tobacco
farm in Leawood, Kansas, from which I regularly derived a
handsome quarterly income, then the legalists in Boston
envisioned that such fiscal deprivation as constituting the only
feasible way of bringing the Copyright Case to an abrupt and
speedy end!

Two of my elderly family members for whom I had performed,
eleven and seventeen years respectively, were misidentified by
Boston as being the sources of my financial resources. I had
already, by the age of thirty, generated close to two million
dollars from real estate developments in which I had invested .
. . one in Medford County, New Jersey, that conveyed to me
ownership of the largest man-made lake in the State [Centennial
Lake]; and another resort development on a mile long, palm
fringed beach I placed under a "right of first refusal" and
during the term of that contract, sold the property to CBS in
New York City, as they were diversifying their assets and one of
their choice areas of interest were potential resort development
property throughout the Caribbean. I was heavily invested in
St. Lucia. I sold the beach property to CBS and generated a
handsome profit that has since been attributed to my two elderly
relatives, which simply was not the case!


I knew that I simply could not become the "Johnny Appleseed" of
the Christian Science Church and travel the globe placing copies
of the Christian Science textbook in hotel rooms throughout the
world! However, I could accomplish the same objective by placing
gift copies of the textbook in every guest room in all of the
hotels in Hawaii, of which there are over one million, is
visited by people from nearly every nation in the world, and I
knew that the textbook would eventually make its way all over
the world by having it freely available in all of Hawaii's Hotel
rooms! I was deeply involved in negotiating with no less than
five of Hawaii's largest tourist hotel chains, all five of which
expressed very positive interest in having the textbook placed
in the guest room, right next to the Gideon Bibles!

As this outreach was just getting underway, I was summoned to
Washington, D.C. to testify on behalf of the Copyright Case. I
flew from Hilo, Hawaii, to Honolulu, changed planes to one
headed for San Francisco, where I was to have connected with a
flight directly on into Washington, D.C. Upon arrival in San
Francisco, a family member intercepted me and informed me of
there being a dire need that I return immediately to Hawaii!

Upon my return to Hawaii, I discovered that with an hour of my
early morning departure that day, no less than eleven vehicles,
including Police Cars, Court Administrator Cars, the State
Attorney General's car, the Legal Aid of Hawaii's car, the Adult
Protective Agency car, and several other cars, including two
fully staffed ambulances drove down the quarter mile driveway
leading onto our compound, and without as much as a Court Order,
Writ of Habeas Corpus, or any other legal documentation, the
small army of Hawaiian representatives, joined by lawyers from
the Boston Church, knocked down our brand new teak front door
that had just been installed the day before in anticipation of
my departure from the residence and of my desire that all within
be securely housed.

Once the door and the jam in which it hung were destroyed,
everyone within our facility were awakened by the terrible
noise! My Tongan housekeeper and her niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bentley, my Mother and Step-father, and Mrs. Rae Dering
Richardson and Mrs. Helen Jane Mitchell, and the lady's
Christian Science nurse, Ranace Oness, were all rousted from
their beds and rounded up in the living room. The ambulance
attendants began immediately to constrain Mrs. Richardson and
Mrs. Mitchell, placing each of them in a straight jacket. Once
constrained in the straight jacket, they both began to scream
and cry and demanded to be released from the confinement.

Rather, they were placed on gurneys and rolled out of the home
and each placed in a separate ambulance. They were driven to
the Hilo Airport, placed upon an airplane that flew them to a
nearby Hawaiian Island where they were admitted into a Roman
Catholic Mental Asylum, placed in solitary confinement within
the basement of the facility, forbidden to receive guests or
visitors or to speak to anyone on the phone, and within five
weeks, both were dead!

Of course, to say this entire assault was cause of great alarm
would be the understatement of the century! I had grown over
close to twenty-five years to know both Bill and Helen Wright
very well. Bill was during the earliest of those years the
President and Chairman of the Board of Bethlehem Steel, in
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Helen was then listed in the
Christian Science Journal and in the full-time practice and they
were often guests of my family as we lived in the western
suburbs of Philadelphia, near Bryn Mawr, Wynnewood and Ardmore.
Out of sheer desperation I called and informed Helen of the
outright kidnapping that had transpired. She didn't hesitate
one moment to become immediately involved in doing anything and
everything she possibly could to have this egregious assault
terminated and reversed.

For the next four months, I was daily interrogated in the Hilo
Family Court, where I was being prosecuted by Buddhist Judge,
Sunichi, and Jewish lawyer, Benjamin Gaddis, for, of all things,
cruelty of the elderly and fraud, for having advertised in Hilo
as a Christian Science Practitioner without being listed in The
Christian Science Journal! That was the first time that I ever
heard that one's listing in the Journal constitutes a legal
license to practice Christian Science!

After four months of the most extreme type of skulduggery
imaginable, the Court backed off as there wasn't a shred of
evidence to support the mountain of spurious claims that had
been laid at my feet! Claims, I might add, that were concocted
in the legal department of the Back Bay headquarters of the
Boston Church!

The upshot of all of this probing and outright falsifications
against my character and my years of honorable deportment with
both of my legal charges, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Mitchell, I
was unceremoniously dispossessed of no less than four and one
quarter million dollars from out of my Smith Barney, Goldman
Sachs, and two other lesser known investment houses; ordered out
of the property that had been from the day of its purchase,
deeded to United Christian Scientists, Inc., and dispossessed of
all of my cash reserves, all the contents of both the home and
the guest house, and rendered penniless.

Helen Wright became so deeply involved in this atrocity that she
made a practice each night to call me at 8:00 p.m. Hawaii Time.
I meticulously and methodically recited to her the incidents
that had transpired that day within the Kangaroo Court
proceedings that were being conducted, on face value, by the
Family Court of Hilo, Hawaii. However, a remarkable incident
occurred that changed the entire complexion of the entire
affair. It just so happens that Judge Kimura had been
receiving EX PARTE Memorandums from the Boston Church lawyers,
informing him how to go about completely destroying me, my
reputation and fully depleting me of my every penny of my
earthly possessions and assets! This file was mistakenly filed
out in the Clerk of the Court's Office rather than remain
secretly hidden within the Judge's Chambers.

When I found this file, and all of its illegal contents, I
turned it over to the Hawaii Bar Association and the upshot of
this finding was the fact that Judge Kimura was demanded to
recuse himself from the Case and step down as a State Judge!
Another gentleman, Judge Kimora, was appointed to take Judge
Kimura's place.

Well, unbeknownst to me, there wasn't a single telephone call
from Helen Wright that she was not recording on cassette tapes
[120 minutes]. When Mrs. Dona Bentley returned to the mainland
she was so physically and emotionally wrecked from what she had
observed taking place in Hawaii that she was suffering deeply
from what two doctors said was a nervous breakdown. Helen
Wright, knowing of this terrible ordeal Mrs. Bentley had been
through, and of its after-effects, invited Dona up to Camp Baker
on Bainbridge Island, where Helen and Bill were still living.
No sooner was Dona there, than Helen pulled out a suitcase from
under a bed and opening it, Helen disclosed to Dona what turned
out to be 92 fully recorded cassette tapes containing every
single telephone conversation I had ever had with Helen whilst I
was in Hawaii!

Helen told Dona how beneficial it would be for her to get her
mind on something positive and productive, and Helen importuned
Dona to begin immediately transcribing the cassette tapes until
all ninety-two of them had been transformed into readable
transcripts that Helen then used as work-sheets from which she
extrapolated the vast majority of data that now appears within
her many attractive and beautifully bound books!

I felt as though I had been placed between a rock and a hard
place. Helen and Bill had befriended me for a quarter century.
And they had the financial resources to publish Helen's prolific
literary undertakings and do the job right! So, it was a
matter of feeling again robbed of what had taken me most of my
life to assimilate and organize from my independent study of
Christian Science and of its Discover, Founder and Leader, the
Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy. I had been completely dispossessed of
every dime I had ever accumulated. So, knowing how vitally
important it was for the information within the book to make its
way to the tens of thousands of Christian Scientists who had
been so successfully kept in the dark for the better part of a
century, and being so accustomed to having things I cherished
literally ripped from out of my control and possession, I prayed
diligently for guidance and direction. I was led to allow the
books to make their way to a Field in desperate need to know the
TRUTH that has been so assiduously hidden from the Field, lo
these many, many years!

Was Helen guilty of plagiarism? That's not for me to judge. All
I can say is that I'll never be grateful enough to Helen and
Bill for the unselfish allocation of all of their earthly
possessions in a sincere and earnest endeavor to exonerate Mary
Baker Eddy by placing before the world the truth about God's
anointed and the Science she delivered to earth as a "scribe
under orders."

In Unity of Good,

David James Nolan


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