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Feb 17, 2008, 1:12:14 AM2/17/08
to Letters and Messages From Dave
Dear ______,

I was deeply touched by the sentiments you conveyed in regard
to the sending of your letter of resignation to Boston. Please
know you are in good company! Did it ever occur to you that, at
the June, 1911, Annual Meeting, when the directors blatantly
disobeyed the "Church Manual," and carried on defiantly, in
abject disobedience to the spiritual design Mind had
employed our Leader to etch in such exquisite detail within that
little 'handbook' intended by God for the government of the body
of Christ upon earth, that such disobedience constituted the
"excommunication" of Mary Baker Eddy from her own Church?

Well, that's precisely what the directors did!

And, that's precisely what they are continuing to do to this very
hour! If you doubt that, be calm and establish yourself squarely
and securely in the spiritual understanding of Christ Science,
WHICH YOU ARE, and then listen to this clip I am sending. It's a
copy of Virginia Harris' recent address to the employees of the
Church at Boston, wherein she announces the new
"restructuring" of the entire system Mrs. Eddy so obediently and
so meticulously established upon earth as the Founder of the
great and holy Cause of Christian Science!

I'm sending this because next Monday a "defining" hour in the
history of the Cause will occur when the entire newly "designed"
plan for "Christian Science in the 21st Century" will be presented
to those attending the Annual Meeting in Boston, as well as to
those throughout the world who will be listening on the Internet!
It is my desire that you to be forewarned, as we're all in for an
horrific shock!

Regularly, I stay in touch with a small group of 'insiders' who, for
years, have kept me advised of what is going on throughout the
church organization, right from the top down! Now that the 'old
guard' members are no longer here and need to be dealt with,
the Church is prime for the taking! And it has been taken, just as
it was in days of yore, when the children of Israel disobeyed the
Covenants into which they had entered with God. Only during
those reoccurring periods of Israel's "stiff-necked disobedien[t]"
history do we read of her being taken down into her various
captivities! -- to serve the Babylonians, the Assyrians, and the

Today, the latter-day "children of Israel" are precisely those
whom Mrs. Eddy has identified in the Glossary to the textbook;
thusly, "The representatives of Soul, not corporeal sense; the
offspring of Spirit, who, having wrestled with error, sin, and
sense, are governed by divine Science; some of the ideas of
God beheld as men, casting out error and healing the sick;
Christ's offspring."

Notice: "SOME of the ideas of God" not 'all' of the ideas of God!
The "some" are "those who [dutifully, loyally and obediently]
follow their leader!" To do so, a follower must meet only two
essential requirements; namely, "Innocence; inoffensiveness;"
for it is qualities such as these that are tantamount to that [dutiful
and loyal] obedience needed to qualify a follower to "follow their
leader." [See: definition of "SHEEP" on page 594.]

As you listen to Virginia Harris, ask yourself, "Is this thought
expressing the "innocence and inoffensiveness" which are
required to be a true follower of the Leader? Notice, if you will, of
the total non-acknowledgment of Mrs. Eddy, with the term,
"Leader" [as distinguished from "Discoverer" and "Founder"]
appearing today throughout the church's manifold publications.
Thus, one of the two demands made on the directors by the
National Council of Churches, at the "Williamsburg Charter" has
been successfully carried out and satisfactorily fulfilled!

The first of the Council's two "demands" was/is to completely
drop the use of the term, "Leader" from the lexicon of tomorrow's
Christian Scientists, as there is only room for one leader in
Christianity, and that, Christ Jesus! How tragic the Church
directors don't realize and acknowledge that Science is as
completely unique and different from Christianity, as Christianity
was unique and different from the Judaism that preceded the
work Christ Jesus had introduced and initiated during his three
year ministry, here upon earth.

The Leader's "man child" has been taken hostage by a thought
typed in the Book of Revelation as being the "Whore of Babylon!"
Thus, the Leader's "man child" is being held captive in Boston,
and a great 'ransom' must, indeed, needs be paid to free the
child from the thought that is holding it hostage and preventing it
to grow and wax strong.

What might that cost be?

Not one penny less than the complete and total liquidation of
every branch and society in the entire world, and the conveying of
every penny of those liquidated real estate funds, as well as all
of the legacies and trusts that have been left as beneficiary
endowments over the past century to the various branches and
societies throughout the world --- directly back to Boston and
into the "golden cup" being carried in the hand of Babylon's

What we are seeing today in Boston is the literal fulfillment of the

Revelation 17:1-6

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven
vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will
shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon
many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the
wine of her fornication.

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I
saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and
decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a
golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY,

6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and
with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I
wondered with great admiration.

+ + + + + + + +

1. "the great whore that sitteth upon many waters"

Today, at precisely the spot where the new 28 story Church
Administration building now stands, was originally the tidal back
bay of the City of Boston's harbor that has since been reclaimed
from the sea. It consists of that part of the ocean floor that was
reclaimed from the sea by first building a long, high and broad
dike that literally outlined the new channel of the Charles River,
and thereby designed and deepened the channel of the Charles
River much farther out from shore into what was once the middle
of the Boston Harbor.

Once the dike was built, the water inside it was drained off by
being pumped out and the sea bed was allowed to dry. Later,
this newly exposed sea bed was filled in with millions of cubic
yards of landfill, thereby creating what is known today as
Boston's fashionable "Back Bay District" of the City of Boston!
All of the early histories of Boston include entries that describe
the original Back Bay, as it was once filled with local fishing
boats that belonged to the early settlers of Boston who went to
sea to earn a livelihood.

One fascinating point in these early chronicles is the mentioning
of the "great rock" that, at the very center of the Back Bay, jutted
up and out of the water to protruded way above the water line
even at high tide. Consequently, it soon became necessary for a
light-tender to row out from shore to the protruding rock at the
end of each day to refill the whale oil fueled lantern that burned
all night long to warn mariners returning from sea and thereby
guide them away from sailing their vessels precariously upon
the solid rock protrusion that jettisoned up and out of the water in
the middle of the Bay!

After the landfill was completed, the tip of that rock protruded
slightly above the soil, and it remained exposed and was able to
be seen by those who were developing and building new
structures upon that newly created land-fill. Well, it just so
happens that the precise spot where the rock protruded was at
the center of the triangular shaped lot that Mrs. Eddy purchased
at the corner of Falmouth and Caledonia [later Norway] Streets,
and that she conveyed as a gift to the directors with the intent that
it be used as the parcel of land whereon the Original Edifice now
stands! [See: "Deed of Trust Conveying Land for Church Edifice",
page 128, "Church Manual."] Consequently, the entire Christian
Science Plaza now "sitteth" upon land that once had known,
twice each day, the rising and falling of "many waters!"

2. "With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication"

The Boston directors have a prolific track record of meeting in
secret and solemn conclaves at such places as Washington, D.
C.,. and at Williamsburg, Virginia, to meet with the leaders of the
world, to either shower these "kings of the earth" with bribes and
payoffs, such as New York City's Bill Alton, CSB, former executive
administrator of The Rockefeller Foundation, who, on behalf of
the Boston directors blackmailed the late and former Senator
Jacob Javits, in order to gain worldly acceptance and to promote
scheming and illegal objectives that the Boston directors have
commissioned by seducing and luring government officials. One
such example being the illegal 1971 perpetual Copyright [Public
Law 92-60] on "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"
that conferred a blatantly unconstitutional favor to the directors, at
the behest of such prominent personalities as John Erhlichman,
Bob Haldemann, CIA Director, Admiral Stansfield Turner, and
FBI Director, William Webster!

Another blatant "fornication" took place in 1988, at the
"Williamsburg Charter," held in Williamsburg, Virginia, when the
Directors of the National Council of Churches met privately with
Boston Church directors, and outlined the two stipulations the
directors were required to meet to qualify the Christian Science
Church for admission into the National Council of Churches.

3. "the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the
wine of her fornication."

The world-wide membership of the long and legally defunct "The
Mother Church" are, indeed, "drunk with the wine of her [The
Mother Church's] fornication!" The apathetic and lethargic "yes
mind-set" that refuses to acknowledge the Boston Church's
abject disobedience to the Leader's articulate "Rules and
By-Laws" does so, unthinkingly and ignorantly, all the while
believing precisely what they have been taught to believe;
namely, that they are doing as Mary Baker Eddy had purposed
and intended for them to do! The "spiritual wickedness in high
places" [lavishly situate on the 28th floor] has filtered down to
intoxicate and rot the very roots of the movement by rendering its
members dense to the Christ and devoid of the gifts of the Spirit
that were seen proliferating in such successfully great
abundance when loving obedience to the Leader was
meticulously observed, instituted and respected!

4. "I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast,"

The "scarlet coloured beast" upon which today a woman is
sitting, is the long deceased and decayed "THE MOTHER
CHURCH" that is being artificially and financially kept alive by
massive infusions of the "blood of the martyrs" [the legacies and
bequests left to the Boston Church organization by members
throughout the world who, having not been healed of their myriad
of sins, sicknesses and diseases, have died when under the
care of improperly taught, totally misguided, so-called Teachers
and Practitioners of Christian Science] having first made legal
provisions to leave their "earthly all" to the Boston Church!

5. "full of names of blasphemy"

This segment of Scripture holds great significance to all
latter-day students of Christian Science. To understand its full
implications, wisdom directs receptive thought to the Gospel of
Mark, wherein we find the Apostle's record of the Master
Metaphysician's discourse, while at the Sea of Galilee, with the
scribes that had come from the temple at Jerusalem to inquire of
the healing work about which they had been apprised:

Mark, Chapter 3

22 "And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He
hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out

23 And he called them [unto him], and said unto them in
parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom
cannot stand.

25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot

26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he
cannot stand, but hath an end.

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his
goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will
spoil his house.

28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons
of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall

29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath
never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation . . . ."

How crucially vital it is to every consecrated disciple of Christ to
heed the Master's shrill warning; namely, "he that shall
blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness. . . ."
Does not this declaration beckon thought to learn, and that very
well, precisely what it is that constitutes blasphemy? This
segment of Scripture, translated directly from the Greek, reads:
"but whoever blasphemes against the Spirit Holy, has not
forgiveness unto the age, but liable is of an eternal sin." For the
student of Christian Science, the key word to understand here is
"blasphemes." What does it mean to blaspheme? What type of
human expression or act would constitute blasphemy against
the Holy Spirit?

It is nigh inconceivable to think that any conscientious student of
Christian Science could possibly escape learning the fact that
Christian Science, as originally delivered to all of the humanity
upon earth by God's chosen Scribe, is the divine Comforter, or
Holy Spirit, which was promised and prophesied by Christ Jesus
when he stated:

John, Chapter 14

16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another
Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,
because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him;
for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see
me: because I live, ye shall live also.

20 At that day ye shall know that I [am] in my Father, and ye in
me, and I in you."

The following is what the Master's promised and prophesied
Comforter is, and what he said it would do at the time of its
appearance upon earth:

"But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father
will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all
things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
John 14:26.

Today, the Master's promised and prophesied Comforter is
amongst us here upon earth. Its "strongest deliverer, [and]
friend of the friendless" is the woman whom, after great travail,
had birthed the Master's promised Comforter to earth and
announced its arrival by declaring to all humanity:

"In the words of St. John: "He shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you forever." This Comforter I understand
to be Divine Science." S&H 55:27.

Hence, the imperative that no one who takes the name of Christ
Science shall in any wise commit the sin of blasphemy against
the Comforter which our blessed Lord and Master, Christ Jesus,
demonstrated in order for it to appear to us here upon earth in
this age and at this time!

Webster declares `blasphemy' to mean:

"Indignity offered to God in words, writing, acts or signs; reviling
or disobeying God's representative upon earth; the act of
claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity; intentional
disobedience offered to God and a defiance of sacred things;

On Monday, June 7, 2004, another atrocious and blasphemous
assault against the Holy Ghost, appearing now upon earth as
Christian Science, will be conducted by the illegitimate board of
directors of "The Mother Church" of Christ, Scientist. This "brood
of [five] vipers" are temporarily holding forth "arrayed in purple
and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones
and pearls," atop an opulent 28 story skyscraper at the heart of
the Christian Science Plaza, in Boston, Massachusetts!

At the Annual Meeting, the Chairperson [beckoned on by the
Church's legalists] of that illegally complexioned five member
directorate will brazenly announce to Christian Scientists who
will have gathered in Boston, as well as to members throughout
the world, via the Internet, the complete restructuring of the
Boston based headquarters of The Church of Christ, Scientist.
The Church's present departmental structure, as designed by
God and implemented by the Church's Founder, Mary Baker
Eddy, is being scrapped and permanently retired. In its place a
new organizational structure based upon "function" and
"performance" will be substituted. This organizational
restructuring will consist of actions that are being undertaken
defiantly, and in total disregard and disobedience to God's
representative on earth, the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy. With the
restructuring, the Church headquarters will undergo the very
"amalgamation" that Mary Baker Eddy prohibited, when she

" Christian Science translates Mind, God, to mortals. It is the
infinite calculus defining the line, plane, space, and fourth
dimension of Spirit. It absolutely refutes the amalgamation,
transmigration, absorption, or annihilation of individuality. It
shows the impossibility of transmitting human ills, or evil, from
one individual to another; that all true thoughts revolve in God's
orbits: they come from God and return to Him, -- and untruths
belong not to His creation, therefore these are null and void. It
hath no peer, no competitor, for it dwelleth in Him besides whom
"there is none other." Misc. 22:10.

To implement this wholesale kidnapping, commandeering, or
the taking ransom of the woman's "man child," the Chairwoman
and her four cohorts must "claim . . . the attributes and
prerogatives of deity!" They will not hesitate one moment to do
so, for the assumptive and intoxicated ego knows nothing other
than its frail and finite self! This fact is confirmed by the board's
century long, conscious disobedience of a most "sacred thing!"
The God-dictated, and Leader inscribed "Church Manual"
inclusive of all of its twenty-nine prohibitive By-Laws called
"estoppel clauses," does, indeed, constitute a most "sacred
thing!" However, everyday that the current self-proclaimed,
self-appointed, self-perpetuated, yet, self-deceived and illegal
board of directors sit in session to decide on the earthly destiny
of the Cause of Christian Science, is rank blasphemy of the Holy
Ghost, Divine Science - the Master's promised Comforter, being
brazenly and defiantly arrayed against God, His Christ, and His
Church! All the while, church members throughout the world
shake their heads in a state of ignorant bewilderment as they
ponder, "Why is the metaphysical healing of physical disease
and sickness and of immoral sins not taking place in the
movement today?"

Why? The very question bespeaks the abysmal ignorance of the
sacred Scriptures, and the denomination textbook of Christian
Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," as well
as of the divinely anointed and appointed Mission of the author of
the textbook and Leader of the Cause, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy,
Pastor Emeritus, and President of the Massachusetts
Metaphysical College. The current and alarming rate of spiritual
malnutrition that so proliferates both within the church
organization at Boston as well as throughout what is left of the
world-wide Christian Science Field is a blasphemy, yea, a curse!
-- to all that Mary Baker Eddy so magnificently Discovered,
courageously Founded, and now, at this very hour, is divinely
God-commissioned to oversee and to lead on the centuries as

Is it conceivable that any genuine Christian Scientist could
possibly hold God's sacred and holy Scriptures in such defiant
disregard and consciously self-determined disobedience that
they would gamble their eternal existence plunged into an abyss
of unforgivable sin? What regard, one might ask, does the
antichrist have for Christ? Only a fool would mistakenly believe
that one could fight against God, and win! Now and forever, God
will not be mocked!

This subject of `blasphemy' against the Holy Spirit is addressed
by the Leader of Christian Science in her writ, "Is Christian
Science Blasphemous?" that appears on page 18, of "No and
Yes." It is being presented for the convenience of anyone who
has managed to read thus far.


Blasphemy has never diminished sin and sickness, nor
acknowledged God in all His ways. Blasphemy rebukes not the
godless lie that denies Him as All-in-all, nor does it ascribe to
Him all presence, power, and glory. Christian Science does this.
If Science lacked the proof of its origin in God, it would be
self-destructive, for it rests alone on the demonstration of God's
supremacy and omnipotence. Right thinking and right acting,
physical and moral harmony, come with Science, and the secret
of its presence lies in the universal need of better health and

Human theories, when weighed in the balance, are found
unequal to the demonstration of divine Life and Love; and their
highest endeavors are, to divine Science, what a child's love of
pictures is to art. A child, in his ignorance, may imagine the face
of Dante to be the rapt face of Jesus. Thus falsely may the
human conceive of the Divine. If the schoolmaster is not Christ,
the school gets things wrong, and knows it not; but the teacher is
morally responsible.

Good health and a more spiritual religion are the common
wants; and these wants have wrought this moral result, -- that
the so-called mortal mind asks for what Mind alone can supply.
This demand militates against the so-called demands of matter,
and regulates the present high premium on Mind-healing. If the
uniform moral and spiritual, as well as physical, effects of
Christian Science were lacking, the premium would go down.
That it continues to rise, and the demand to increase, shows its
real value to the race. Even doctors will agree that infidelity,
ignorance, and quackery have never met the growing wants of
humanity. Christian Science is no "Boston craze;" it is the sober
second thought of advancing humanity."

In Unity of Good,

David James Nolan, Chancellor
The Christian Science University


Engaging 24/7 in the dissemination and demonstration of Mary
Baker Eddy's Christian Science.

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