actual mini rationality games for LW

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Alexei Andreev

Apr 3, 2012, 1:42:58 AM4/3/12
As a tiny side project, Anna Salamon, Steve Rayhawk, and I have been working on a confidence-interval game for the Center of Modern Rationality (CMR). (If you haven't heard, that's the organization SIAI/LW is trying to create, so that rationality & LW can live totally separately from existential risk reduction stuff (SIAI).)
The game: Win, Mac, Web
This is a very practical game, not at all optimized for fun right now (though potentially it could be, and probably should be). CMR is interested in creating more of these games, and they are looking for some programmers to do so. Very likely this would be a paid position, though the salary would be somewhat small in the beginning. However, you'll get to work closely with Anna and other LW folks, you'll get to participate in designing the rationality curriculum, and overall have fun with this pretty awesome and flexible position.
If you have any questions, or if you are even a little bit curious, you should definitely talk to Anna (

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