Bad news

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Axel Glibert

Jan 12, 2014, 12:23:05 PM1/12/14
Hey all,

I did some research on the rationality camps CFAR organizes. If found schedules and stuff but then I saw the price tag. They are 4 day camps and costs 3900$ each (2855€) which is WAY higher then I thought it would be (not to mention it doesn't include the price of the flight there). Turns out the first few camps they did were considerably cheaper because they were still testing things out. Now that they have a formula that works for them the price has gone up.
I'm sorry to have gotten your hopes up yesterday but that is simply to much money for me so I'm cancelling my trip.

anyway, all the info can be found here:

note to self: adjust confidence parameters when estimating prices...

see you next month,
a slightly depressed Axel

Fabien Benetou

Feb 26, 2014, 6:06:06 AM2/26/14
Extremely expensive indeed, how could we organize a free community run equivalent? A bit like TEDx is to TED.


Feb 26, 2014, 11:04:29 AM2/26/14
Well, step 1 is to find a sensei who'll work for cheaper, preferably in Europe.

This is something that's been mildly bothering me, actually.

I know a few things about epistemic rationality, and next meetup will be about it (I'm writing the announcement right after this, promise). But I'm even more interested in instrumental rationality. I know that some other LW meetup groups have done activities around it, e.g. comfort zone expansion, procrastination/akrasia control, general what-is-wrong-with-your-life-and-how-could-you-fix-it discussions, and some people who have gone to CFAR relaying their knowledge (lucky Londoner bastards).

Now I've picked up the job of organizing meetups. But, as anyone who knows about my personal life can testify, I completely suck at instrumental rationality. I'm least qualified to teach people social skills or life-fixing tricks. I would love to attend such a meetup, if it was lead by someone else.
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