Deployment Question - When to compile

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AJ Michels

Feb 3, 2014, 5:28:52 PM2/3/14
We are using Less with a new project we are working on and I am not sure what the best deployment flow is.

Currently we have an Ant script which we use to compile the Less code while in our local development environments.

We use Git as our source control system and are planning on deploying by pushing to the remote server (using a technique similar to that described in this article).  There is a debate amongst our development team as to whether it would be better to have the compilation process done before we commit and deploy or via a server side Git hook.  Personally I don't like the idea of committing compiled code.  I would rather commit only the source files and then have the compilation done after that at some point.  The counter argument to compiling on the server is that if compilation fails on the server than there is broken code deployed on the production server.  Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this?  Resources (links, articles, books, etc.) that I could use as justification either way would be very helpful and appreciated.
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