Fwd: Critical Environmental Areas Bill has Arrived on the Governor's Desk -- Please Contact Governor's Office and Urge Her to Sign It

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Magali Regis

Nov 15, 2023, 12:01:58 AM11/15/23
to NYCCGC list serve, Brooklyn Community Gardeners Group, Lower East Side Gardens

Hello all,

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND VERY CRITICAL. (See below). Hope you can find 5 minutes to contact Governor Hochul by either phone or email and urge her to sign this important bill.  Please forward wildly to your networks and urge your family and friends to do the same. They don't have to be community gardeners, just supporters is good enough ;- ) We only have 10 days to make an impact and get her attention on this. Let's do it.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Critical Environmental Areas Bill has Arrived on the Governor's Desk -- Please Contact Governor's Office and Urge Her to Sign It
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 11:21:43 -0500
From: Raymond Figueroa Jr <rfig...@pratt.edu>

Hello and Good Morning to You All -- Dear Community Stewards of Our Precious Community Gardens / Community Farms + Allies, 

Just yesterday, November 13, the Critical Environmental Areas (CEA) Bill was delivered to the Governor.

Here is the link to the Bill as well as a screenshot -- showing its status:

Starting today and continuing for the week, we need as many people as possible to contact the Governor's office and communicate their support for her signing the Bill into law. Every contact by a distinct New York State resident / constituent / individual who communicates support for the Bill / urging the Governor to sign -- counts as a "Data Point". We would like to have a thousand (1000) Data Points. Contact information appears at the end of this email.

CEA Bill (identifying) information:
    • NYS Senate Bill S-629A sponsored by State Senator Comrie (same as the NYS Assembly Bill A-4139A sponsored by State Assembly Member Lupardo) 
      • There is a 10-day clock (that started ticking as of yesterday) which expires on the 23rd of November (Thanksgiving Day). 
Suggested Talking Points:
    • your support for NYS Senate Bill S-629A and that you urge the Governor to sign it into law
    • you are reminding the Governor that Critical Environmental Areas (CEA) Designation for Community Gardens is consistent with the Governor's commitment to community gardens in three important ways: 
      • CEA designation of community gardens ensures that municipalities across the New York State can provide for the continuity of their local support for community gardens -- thereby strategically supporting the Governor’s commitment to making local food more accessible to all New Yorkers and to encourage more urban farming, including:
        • the Governor’s 2023 State of the State plan calling for the renewal and enhancement of the Urban Farms & Community Gardens (UFCG) program with $1 million dedicated this year and 
        • the Governor’s 2023 State of the State plan also includes two additional initiatives under the UFCG Grant Program, as recommended by the Community Gardens Task Force : 
          • the New York State Community Gardens Leadership Certificate Program and 
          • the New York State Soil Testing Program. 
    • the above-mentioned points can linked to here: 
    • remind the Governor that the Bill was passed unanimously by both the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly
    • Critical Environmental Areas designation for Community Gardens is a critically important initiative that addresses the following:
      • Food & Environmental Justice issues as well as the 
      • Community Wellness & Health Equity issues 
      • facilitating locally impacted communities taking ownership of these issues in a manner that is creative as well as productive and which 
        • honors their sense of human dignity in the process. 

Contact Governor’s Office

By Phone:

1-518-474-8390 | Office hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm

By Email Form:


By (Snail Mail unless sent by Express) Mail:

The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

So, let's start today (and get others throughout the week) to do our part to make this law happen!

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to what is mentioned in this email, please reach out to me as soon as possible - as this is a time-sensitive matter.

Thank you, all, for all your timely and thoughtful consideration. And furthermore -- thank you for all your selfless labors-of-LOVE on behalf of our communities' gardens.

Peace & Mother Earth's Blessings

Most Respectfully,

Raymond Figueroa, Jr.
Taconic Faculty Fellow - Community Gardens as Critical Environmental Areas Project
Pratt Center for Community Development
Sustainable Environmental Systems Faculty 
Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment
School of Architecture
Pratt Institute



Magali Regis

Nov 20, 2023, 11:20:23 PM11/20/23
to NYCCGC list serve, Brooklyn Community Gardeners Group, Lower East Side Gardens
The clock is ticking...One last reminder to spend 5 or 10 precious minutes to do this. It's up to us to make this impact & bring out the importance of community gardens to the Governor's radar. If she signs it, it will be the validation of the important work we do as gardeners.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
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