Two birthday stories on my 70th birthday

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Edward K. Ream

Aug 13, 2019, 9:00:54 PM8/13/19
to leo-editor
Today is my 70th birthday.  Here's how it started.

At 7 a.m. I was working in my basement office when I got a call from my daughter, Linda.  She wished me a happy birthday, and asked if I gotten her package.  I said "it's too early for a delivery."  She said "they said it had been delivered".  I was skeptical, but went upstairs.  Whom should I see, but Linda herself!  When I opened the door we both burst out into gales of laughter.  Btw, Linda lives in Seattle.  She had taken the red eye.

Later, I called my brother Speed.  As usual, we had a lovely chat.  I told him how excited I was that so much remains to do with Leo. At the end, I told him, "I love you", something I almost never say to anyone directly.  I told Speed that I don't much care for those actual three words. They're a trite formula. Much better, imo, to say, in more specific, ever changing ways, just how and why my life is enriched by those that I do love.

And so it is with you, my dears. Team Leo, with all your enthusiasms, questions, suggestions and invaluable contributions, are one of the great blessings of my life.


Xavier G. Domingo

Aug 13, 2019, 9:13:01 PM8/13/19
Happy birthday Edward!

It's being a pleasure being a part, though little, of your life and walking this path with you. The love and enthusiasm in Leo are first of all yours, and this profoundly shapes the enriching atmosphere of the whole Leo team.

Thanks for being who you are! I'm learning from you every day.

My most sincere hug!
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Libre de virus.

Matt Wilkie

Aug 13, 2019, 11:30:51 PM8/13/19
to leo-editor
Happy Birthday Edward!

What a wonderful sense of delivery your daughter has (pun fully intended). Verbal formula's can be trite, most especially when overused, but when held back for rare occasions, especially powerful.

Thank you for your gifts to the world. I really appreciate their presence when I find them overlapping my explorations and studies.



Aug 14, 2019, 1:41:05 AM8/14/19
Happy Birthday 令德华
in china there is one big theory:
if coder old 35, is can not coding great program,
but look u, double 35, is always happy hacking.

so glory
so inspirit me.

thanx for all,
Leo is upgrade my life.

Matt Wilkie <> 于2019年8月14日周三 上午7:30写道:
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life is pathetic, go Pythonic! 人生苦短, Python当歌!
怒: 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
KM keep growing environment culture which promoting organization learning!

Viktor Ransmayr

Aug 14, 2019, 5:19:55 AM8/14/19
Hello Edward,

A belated Happy Birthday from Europe!

What a great story to read in the morning. - Thanks for sharing it with us.

With kind regards


Edward K. Ream

Aug 14, 2019, 9:29:09 AM8/14/19
to leo-editor
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:01 PM Edward K. Ream <> wrote:
Today is my 70th birthday.  Here's how it started.
Thanks for all your good wishes.  It's great to be part of this community.



Aug 14, 2019, 9:38:28 AM8/14/19
Edward K. Ream <> 于2019年8月14日周三 下午5:29写道:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:01 PM Edward K. Ream <> wrote:
>> Today is my 70th birthday. Here's how it started.
> Thanks for all your good wishes. It's great to be part of this community.

Thanks for EKR created Leo,
invite u say some thing for Chinese Pythoneer,
like 6years ago:

this year, is Python 30th birthday,
so organizing 6 city conference, for celebrate and sharing
last year''s Pythonic story;

should u record one video to Chinese Pythoneer:
+ blessing PyConChina well do
+ introduce Leo 20 years update story
+ and the introduce maybe the oldest Pythoneer story from uself?
how to found the favor career;
and how to happy hacking forever?

that will very spirit Chinese Pythonista.

Yours old user, DAMA(Zoom.Quiet)

> Edward
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Aug 14, 2019, 12:15:32 PM8/14/19
to leo-editor
Awesome stories! Thanks for sharing yourself, not just Leo (though it is a very large reflection).

We share a birthday month, mine just a week ago (65, ready for Medicare!). One thing that attracted me to Leo years ago was the name, being a Leo myself.

Best wishes for many more! Regards,


Robert Cholette

Aug 14, 2019, 12:25:09 PM8/14/19
to leo-editor
Been using Leo since 2002. Happy birthday Edward!!


Aug 14, 2019, 2:30:22 PM8/14/19
to leo-editor
On Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 11:00:54 PM UTC+2, Edward K. Ream wrote:
Today is my 70th birthday.  Here's how it started.

Happy birthday! Best wishes!

I am surprised that you are already seventy. Who would have thought! I thought you were 58 or so.

I wish to offer you a small gift in the form of an idea, or an inspiration. But I'll wait for you to finish all your current pyzo integration ideas and tasks. Once you are ready to change your focus to something else, please let me know and I will describe some ideas that I believe would be worthy of your time.

You have already mention on several occasions a wish for someone to be your successor in the Leo project. As a 70 years old man, it is the time to consider what is going to happen to Leo once you are gone. IMHO you would do very good to use the rest of your time to refactor and polish Leo's code base. To remove everything that can be removed rather than to add something new to it. You're the only one with necessary authority for such task. Once you are gone, the remaining developers may have some difficulties to fully agree on such refactorings. It would be much easier to deal with those refactorings, while you are still able to work on Leo.

By polishing Leo's code base, and doing all these cleanings and refactorings publicly on this forum, you will pass (and make a public record of) all your insights and knowledge. That would greately increase chances for finding your successor.

In the past I have already tried to persuade you to make some changes in Leo and it didn't go very well. Perhaps, I have started from the wrong end and my ideas came to you as too drastic to accept. That is why I intend to try once again, by pointing to some less drastic refactorings that hopefully we will be able to agree on. Once we make a few less drastic refactorings, and by doing them we improve Leo's code base a little and make it easier to grasp, it may turn out, that we will be able to agree on a bit larger refactorings as well.

All the best to you and your familly

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Aug 14, 2019, 8:29:54 PM8/14/19

Dear Edward!

Happy birthday and thanks a lot for the two decades gift that you have done continuously, year after year, for all of us (I started using Leo around 2005).

Your insight, momentum, public thinking and craftsmanship has been really inspiring and energizing for many of us.

Leo legacy lives even beyond Python. For example, when I made my elevator pitch for Grafoscopio to technical minded people I resume it as: Combining ideas from Leo, Jupyter and Pharo (and some of my own cooking).

I hope you enjoy this celebration with you and your family. This community for sure is enriched day to day with your presence and so, we share part of the joy with your family.



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Edward K. Ream

Aug 15, 2019, 10:18:27 AM8/15/19
to leo-editor
On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 9:30 AM vitalije <> wrote:

> You have already mentioned on several occasions a wish for someone to be your successor in the Leo project. As a 70 years old man, it is the time to consider what is going to happen to Leo once you are gone.

Imo, there is no need for something like Python's Steering Council. Instead, we can use an informal version of the Apache Way.  I particularly recommend Shane's interpretation, particularly the section on merit.

There is little doubt about Leonine merit.  We all know the contributions of the members of Team Leo.

> IMHO you would do very good to use the rest of your time to refactor and polish Leo's code base.

I'm going to spend the rest of my time pushing Leo forward. Having said that, I welcome specific proposals for useful refactorings.  Those proposals will compete with all other enhancement proposals.

As always, the way to get my attention is to write working code.  I am always happy to answer questions about Leo's code.

> You're the only one with necessary authority for such task. Once you are gone, the remaining developers may have some difficulties to fully agree on such refactorings.

I'm not going to micro manage what happens after I am gone.  Imo, following the Apache Way will suffice.  What really matters is that Team Leo continues without me.


Edward K. Ream

Aug 15, 2019, 10:22:53 AM8/15/19
to leo-editor
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 8:41 PM Zoom.Quiet <> wrote:
Happy Birthday 令德华


in china there is one big theory:
if coder old 35, is can not coding great program,
but look u, double 35, is always happy hacking.

Hehe.  To paraphrase Hokusai, I am an old man, crazy about programming.

so glory
so inspirit me.

thanx for all,
Leo is upgrade my life.

You're welcome.  I'm touched by your remarks.



Aug 15, 2019, 10:57:06 AM8/15/19
to leo-editor
Congratulations on your birthday, I hope all the family enjoys the celebrations.
Thank you for Leo, it is a great place to learn, both in the community and the editor. I look forward to new projects and it's continuing evolution.

I always enjoy stories about your brother Speed, even though they only offer glimpses of his knowledge :)


Kent Tenney

Aug 15, 2019, 2:15:57 PM8/15/19
to leo-editor
Happy birthday Edward!
Leo has been a big deal to me. I found Leo pre-python
and have been hooked ever since. Then I discovered you
live across the street from my high school sweetheart ...

This list is the only one I read every msg, this one here
is 5 of 15,221 ...

You've reached so many from the Leo bunker, I've heard
that Linus drives Linux from a basement room, so you're
in good company.


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