Leo Integ for Neovim...

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Mark Trebian

5:55 AM (14 hours ago) 5:55 AM
to leo-editor
Is anyone working on integrating Leo with Neovim?  I would like to collaborate on that activity.

Thomas Passin

11:18 AM (8 hours ago) 11:18 AM
to leo-editor
Since Neovim wants to write to a terminal, the most obvious approach would be to use a Qt terminal widget and put it in a pane where the body editor would usually be.  Or next to the standard body editor.  The VR/VR3 plugins show how that can be done.  I found a terminal widget for Qt: QLightTerminal ( https://github.com/ChargeIn/QLightTerminal).  I don't know if it has been wrapped for PyQt6. I'm not sure if it's Linux only or not.

Another project that might be useful is QTermWidget (https://github.com/lxqt/qtermwidget), which is Linux only.

Another approach would be to try to interface LeoJS, running VS Code.  There are a number of Neovim projects for VSC already, and maybe one of them could be hooked up to LeoJS.
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