Leo doesn't start because of some Qt-problems

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5:40 AM (3 hours ago) 5:40 AM
to leo-editor

export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 && leo


setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'XXXXX'
qt.core.plugin.factoryloader: checking directory path "/usr/bin/platforms" ...
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Everything with "xcb" in its name seems installed (I'am on endeavourOS).
Any idea, how I could proceed?

What I did so far:
- Update the whole system (endeavourOS)
- Update Leo from PYPI


Thomas Passin

6:22 AM (2 hours ago) 6:22 AM
to leo-editor
This error comes up with small variations for some Linux systems.  Many times the error message will continue to suggest a command line  for installing the required library.  That library may already be installed but not the right version.  If there was no suggestion, search online for how to install it for your system.  Often the library is named libxcb-cursor0 but sometimes it goes by a different name.  Here's a site than can help finding the right install package: http://pkgs.org/

On Ubuntu systems, this command used to work (I don't know if it still does):

sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0

Sometimes the required library goes by this name: libqxcb.so instead.  Sometimes the error message will suggest two possible names instead of just the one. Try them both if the first doesn't do the job.

Thomas Passin

6:28 AM (2 hours ago) 6:28 AM
to leo-editor
Here is a page that has some good information about fixing this problem in case my previous post doesn't:

Briefly, you can get a more complete error message by setting this environmental variable before launching Leo:



7:20 AM (1 hour ago) 7:20 AM
to leo-editor
Installed xcb-util-cursor, libxinerama. Reinstalled PyQt5, PyQt6 - to no avail.
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