[LELA CREATIONS STUDIO] Lake Aquitaine - Ontario Landscape

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Lela Stankovic

Sep 15, 2012, 9:55:58 PM9/15/12
to lelacr...@googlegroups.com
"Lake Aquitaine  - Ontario Landscape"
Size 4" x 6" inches
Medium - archival artists oil paint

It was a beautiful day and I couldn't resist taking my small pochade box  for some plein air painting in the neighbourhood park. It was so peaceful in the evening towards sunset;  the birds flying home; the treetops glowing with a golden light as they caught the last rays of the setting sun;  and  I wanted to reflect the tranquil atmosphere in my painting.

Hope you like it!

Posted By Lela Stankovic to LELA CREATIONS STUDIO at 9/15/2012 09:55:00 PM
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