Status update and a question

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Mar 25, 2024, 6:25:59 PMMar 25

Dear Leiners, Shalom!


Some of you may be familiar with my book “the Ohs and Ahs of Torah reading”, which deals with the two types of KAMATZ vowels – identifying which one is Kamatz Katan (“small Kamatz”) pronounced OH in Sephardi/Israeli Pronunciation. The other one is Kamatz Gadol, pronounced AH in Sephardi/Israeli Pronunciation. The book was published in 1999. Over the years I received many orders until I ran out of books. I continue to receive orders. Frankly, I didn’t expect this kind of a book to be as successful as it has been. (In fact, many people who heard that I’m writing this book ridiculed me… seriously!)


I’m very pleased that there is continued interest in the book. This is wonderful, and recently I started working on republishing the book with corrections and some minor revisions.


While collecting the material for republishing the book I came across a copy of my book that someone returned to me with many useful comments written directly on the book’s pages. I’d like to know who is this person and acknowledge the contribution to the next edition of the book. Unfortunately, I don’t know who this person is because the name does not appear anywhere in or on the returned book. It’s likely that the name was on the envelope, but I cannot find the envelop.


OK, I admit, my garage is a big BALAGAN (a very useful Persian word that made its way into some Slavic languages and from there into Yiddish and Hebrew.) see here


So, if YOU are the person who sent me the comments or you know who is that person, please let me know, or let him/her know that I’d like to know who they are so that I can thank them.


Toda Rabba MeRosh!

Jonathan Novich

Mar 25, 2024, 6:46:46 PMMar 25
Perhaps a scan of a few of the pages would be helpful?

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S. Goldstein

Mar 25, 2024, 7:04:15 PMMar 25
I was the one who reached out to you a few times to assist in this project.

Dave Laz

Mar 27, 2024, 10:58:53 AMMar 27
Ahhhh, but it's it lainers... leiners... lawners... loyners.... hmmmmmm.

 Those tricky pronunciations....

Easton Y.K. Houle

Mar 28, 2024, 9:01:59 AMMar 28
to leining
This is why I spell Hebrew words by substituting every consonant for their Latin or Greek counterpart without vowels, instead of transliterating them like everyone else...

טעמים, מקרא?

ΘOMJM, MQRAYou decide how to pronounce them!!
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