August-September projects and ideas

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leila johnston

Aug 21, 2013, 9:29:36 AM8/21/13
to, leila johnston

It's "that time of the month" again.


There's been the usual client work stuff, but, on the off-chance you've avoided all my other spam about this, I've *mostly* been gearing up to launch a new magazine and event series called Hack Circus, about fun and fantastical ideas with technology.

Lots has happened with HC this month. I've been talking to tonnes of people about it, have booked the venue and speakers for the first event (HACK CIRCUS: TIME TRAVEL LIVE), and have created: 


I also have the features list for the magazine and have commissioned everything, however roughly. Deadline for articles is early September. We'll see about that. 

Whilst I've lined up a couple of potential mag sponsors/advertisers, I could do with a few more. Let me know if you'd like to reach... my kind of people.

I visited, chatted to and briefed my design/brand team in York, The Beautiful Meme. They gave me all sorts of ideas I'd never have thought of on my own, which is of course the point, and I'm looking forward to seeing their brains on paper at our next meeting, next week. That sounded more violent than I meant it.

I went to London for a Caper workshop for an interesting new story-related brief, always good to see that gang.

Had lots of coffees with various nice Sheffield people to discuss HC ideas and looked at some potential venues for the second live event, which I'm planning to hold in Sheffield in early 2014.

Had my first meeting with my new intern, Laura. She seems splendid.

Wrote a piece about scenery and a piece about fun for The Literary Platform.

Roo and I recorded a new Shift Run Stop when I was down in London last week. Look out for it on the internet tomorrow. We talk about that stupid thing boys used to do with stanley knives between their fingers, off of Alien AND LOTS MORE.


It's been announced that I'm going to be speaking at TEDx Brighton this autumn (Oct 25th). The theme of the event is Heritage and I'll be doing a sort of sequel to my talk about the Millennium at Improving Reality.

I'm also speaking at Ada Lovelace Day Live on the 15th of October.

I'm starting an informal, regular Sunday afternoon women's kickabout in Sheffield. Let me know if you want to be added to the list.

Yours, anticipating a fiscally poor but socially rich few months,

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