January-February projects and ideas

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leila johnston

Jan 23, 2013, 8:09:29 AM1/23/13
to leila...@googlegroups.com, leila johnston

It feels like forever. Let's get on with it.


The Maker Faire deadlines are approaching over the next month or two, and I think I'm going to pitch an idea for a neurotic kitchen – some appliances rigged with sensors (maybe because I spend most of my time in my own neurotic kitchen at the moment.) I'll get back to you.

There are a few 'art' things I've been thinking about that I really need to make before I never make anything, ever again. 


I was invited to do a version of Making Things Fast at Bristol Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio on the 10th of January. It was the workshop launching REACT's "Sandbox" – a group of 'books and print' themed research projects, teaming up academics and creative types to develop innovative ideas with storytelling. They were a mega high quality group and the talk and discussion afterwards was great fun. http://www.react-hub.org.uk/books-and-print-sandbox/news/the-past-is-over-sandbox-begins/

My friend Sarah Angliss has asked me if I'd like to do a guest spot at her Brighton Fringe event in the spring. I would like to. Maybe if I ever make my kitchen hack...

Had to postpone a talk at BBC Broadcasting House this month because of the dog (see end of this letter), but I still fully intend to do it asap.


We're trying not to count our chickens as it's early days, but Tim and I have been offered a book deal for The Inner Head. Provided we can get it all finished by the end of February, we should have a fun little book out in time for this Christmas. The publisher is Snowbooks, who, as you may remember, previously put their faith in cult classics Enemy Of Chaos and How To Worry Friends and Inconvenience People. 

I've also just been invited to write for The Huffington Post topical comedy pages, and the fantastic Rhizome – and I will, as soon as I get a minute.

There might be something in the new Wired UK by me (one never can be sure). I also recently contributed an interview with conversation/charm coach Wayne Elise, which should be appearing in there relatively soon.

I've just launched a season themed around cross-disciplinary collaboration and R+D projects over on The Literary Platform (of which I am still editor.) Some great articles lined up, and I'd love to hear more ideas...

I'm now an Associate at Caper, one of my favourite companies – Rachel & Katy are responsible for events/concepts like Culture Hack, Ideas Labs, articul8 (the women's speaker network) and loads more. I just think they're brilliant, and I've just written a piece about Culture Hack on behalf of Caper for the Guardian Culture Professionals blog, it should show up there in the next week or so.

I've also been involved in a few other meetings and pitches, and Site Gallery related bits and pieces here in Sheffield, over the last month.


The more observant among you may have noticed I missed a month. It's OK though, I'm fine! And you were *right* not to mention it. I've been busy.

Not really busy doing work though. In fact, I've been turning stuff down, because... I have acquired this dog. Brodie is a border collie, now 15 weeks old (I've had him 6 weeks), and he takes up far more time and energy than I could ever have predicted. It is getting a bit easier, and one thing that seems to calm him down is learning stuff. 

– and here he is weaving:

– and learning the names of his toys:

I have become a total dog bore, but it's because he takes up all my time at the moment. I'm doing it all my own so he's the only person I see most days!

Let's do something, before I go mad. I'll get rid of the dog, don't worry about him. Let's just do something. 

Seriously, fuck him.


Brodie collie face.jpg
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