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Eric Wall

Jun 24, 2010, 6:00:00 PM6/24/10
to Legion Mailing List
Hello Gamers

Here are some updates to the Magic 2011 Pre-Release in Minneapolis.  Rob Alexander will be the artist on hand for the show.  For a list of the cards he has done click here.  The gunslinger will be Bill Stark.  You may know him from the Starkington Post.  For all the details about all Legion Pre-Releases click here.

Also, Magic Nationals is going to be held in Minneapolis this year.  The side event info is now available.  For a list of events please click here.  For more details about Nationals click here.

There is PTQ Amsterdam in Minneapolis at Misty Mountain North on July 3. It is a Standard Constructed $25 entry. 9am reg 10am start.  For more details click here.

Eric Wall
Legion Events
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