2024 February 24 Problems

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Feb 24, 2024, 12:47:01 PMFeb 24
to leetcode-meetup
Feel free to work on any of the problems you want; we'll have people present their solutions at 11:30.

Please post your solutions to this thread so others can use this as a reference.

3044Most Frequent Prime

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Vivek H

Feb 24, 2024, 1:06:06 PMFeb 24
to leetcod...@googlegroups.com

time complexity : O(nlogn)

class Solution {
    long long largestPerimeter(vector<int>& nums) {

        int size = nums.size();
        vector<long long> sum(size, 0);

        sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());

        long long runningSum = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            runningSum += nums[i];
            sum[i] = runningSum;

        long long result = -1;
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            if(i+1 < size && sum[i] > nums[i+1]) {
                result = sum[i+1];
        return result;

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Flocela Maldonado

Feb 24, 2024, 1:38:03 PMFeb 24
to leetcode-meetup
Time: O(N * logN), Memory O(1)
class Solution {
long long largestPerimeter(vector<int>& nums) {
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());

long long sumIncludingii = 0;
for (int num : nums)
sumIncludingii += num;

for (int ii=nums.size()-1; ii>=0; --ii)
long long longestSide = nums[ii];
long long sumOfOtherSides = sumIncludingii - nums[ii];

if (sumOfOtherSides > longestSide)
return sumIncludingii;
sumIncludingii -= nums[ii];

return -1;


Feb 24, 2024, 1:38:30 PMFeb 24
to leetcode-meetup
The problem pretty much tells you the algorithm for checking a polygon: check that the biggest side is smaller than all others combined. With that in mind we can just sort the sides in increasing order and walk through the array. if the current number is smaller than the current running sum of previous nums, then we can form a polygon at this point.
O(nlog(n)) time
O(n) space

func largestPerimeter(nums []int) int64 {
    var runningSum int
    ans := int64(-1)
    runningSum = nums[0] + nums[1]
    for _, num := range(nums[2:]) {
        if num < runningSum {
            ans = int64(runningSum + num)
        runningSum += num
    return ans

Vivek H

Feb 24, 2024, 2:29:28 PMFeb 24
to leetcod...@googlegroups.com
3044Most Frequent Prime47.5%Medium

class Solution {
    struct comp {
        bool operator()(const pair<int, int>& p1,
                        const pair<int, int>& p2) const {
            if (p1.second == p2.second)
                return p1.first > p2.first;
            return p1.second > p2.second;

    bool isPrime(int num) {
        if (num <= 1) {
            return false;
        for (int i = 2; i * i <= num; ++i) {
            if (num % i == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;
    void getCoordinates(vector<vector<int>>& mat, int row, int col,
                        map<int, int>& result) {
        int R = mat.size();
        int C = mat[0].size();
        int i = row;
        int j = col;
        // east
        int S = 0;
        while (j < C) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // west
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (j >= 0) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // north
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i >= 0) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // south
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i < R) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // north-east
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i >= 0 && j < C) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // north-west
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))

        // south-east
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i < R && j < C) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))
        // south west
        S = 0;
        i = row;
        j = col;
        while (i < R && j >= 0) {
            S = S * 10 + mat[i][j];
            if (S > 10 && isPrime(S))

    void print(vector<int>& V) {
        for (auto& a : V) {
            cout << a << " ";
        cout << endl;
    int mostFrequentPrime(vector<vector<int>>& mat) {

        map<int, int> result;

        // dfs(mat, 0, 0, result, S);

        for (int i = 0; i < mat.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mat[0].size(); j++) {
                getCoordinates(mat, i, j, result);

        map<int, int> M;

        set<pair<int, int>, comp> S;
        for (auto& a : result) {
            cout << a.first << " " << a.second << endl;
            S.insert({a.first, a.second});

        if (S.empty())
            return -1;
        return S.begin()->first;


Flocela Maldonado

Feb 24, 2024, 3:15:57 PMFeb 24
to leetcode-meetup
First of the Month Meeting  - Meet for coffee after!

Next meeting is the first meeting of the month- March 2, 2024!

So we'll be meeting after the zoom meeting at Peet's Coffee!

3932 Rivermark Plaza, Santa Clara, CA 95054. It's close to the library.


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Carlos Green

Feb 24, 2024, 3:17:32 PMFeb 24
to leetcode-meetup
Yeah, some Peet's afterwards sounds nice


Feb 24, 2024, 3:23:06 PMFeb 24
to leetcod...@googlegroups.com
time: O(constant*nums.length)
space: o(1)
class Solution {
    public int findKOr(int[] nums, int k) {
        int[] bits = new int[32];
        int kor =0;

        for(int num : nums){
            int index = 0;
            while( num > 0){
                if((num&1) == 1){
                num >>= 1;

        for(int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++){
            if(bits[i] >= k){
                kor += Math.pow(2,i );

        return kor;

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Feb 24, 2024, 4:54:56 PMFeb 24
to leetcod...@googlegroups.com
Sorting gives the largest possible perimeter at the right end of the array when sides accumulate.
Test the condition given and return the perimeter.
Time O(nlogn)
Space O(1)

class Solution {
    public long largestPerimeter(int[] nums) {
        long perimeter = 0;
        for(int num : nums){
            perimeter += num;

        for(int i= nums.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
            if(perimeter-nums[i] > nums[i]){
                return perimeter;

            perimeter -= nums[i];

        return -1L;


Feb 24, 2024, 6:09:35 PMFeb 24
to leetcod...@googlegroups.com
3044Most Frequent Prime47.5%Medium

Do as the problem asks and collect the prime count based on conditions given 

class Solution {
    int[][] dirs = null;
    Map<Integer,Integer> freqMap  = null;
    int max = -1;
    public int mostFrequentPrime(int[][] mat) {
        int rows = mat.length;
        int cols = mat[0].length;
        int result = -1;
        dirs = new int[][] { {-1,0},{1,0},{0,-1},{0,1},{-1,-1},{1,1},{-1,1},{1,-1}};
        freqMap = new HashMap<>();

        for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
                boolean[][] visited = new boolean[rows][cols];
                bfs(mat, visited, i,j);

        for(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> entry : freqMap.entrySet()){
            int freq = entry.getValue();
            int prime = entry.getKey();
            if(freq == max){
                result = Math.max(result, prime);

        return result;

    public void bfs( int[][] mat, boolean[][] visited, int r, int c){
        int rows = mat.length;
        int cols = mat[0].length;
        for(int[] dir : dirs){
            int row = r;
            int col = c;
            int total = 0;

            while(row >= 0 && col >= 0 && row < rows && col < cols){
                 int num = mat[row][col];
                total = total*10 + num;
                if(total > 10 && isPrime(total)){
                    max = Math.max(max, freqMap.get(total));
                row += dir[0];
                col += dir[1];

    public  boolean isPrime(int number) {
        if (number <= 1) {
            return false;
        if (number <= 3) {
            return true;
        if (number % 2 == 0 || number % 3 == 0) {
            return false;
        for (int i = 5; i * i <= number; i = i + 6) {
            if (number % i == 0 || number % (i + 2) == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;
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