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Hackspace office chairs audit

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Mark Wainwright

Nov 14, 2024, 11:45:05 AM11/14/24
to Leeds Hack Space
Hi All,
we have been offered some used office chairs from one of the CIC's Anzir works with. Although not new they are in a better condition than some of our current chairs.
I'm just doing a chair audit and want some input (caveat 'that I might make some executive choices').
Firstly how many office chairs do we actually need not including the stool chairs in craft/electronics areas;
  • 3d printer desk - x1
  • DnD table - x8
  • Computer desk - shared with DnD table
  • Conference table x12 (1 per corner, 2 each 4x centre sections)
  • low electronics bench x1
  • future craft area for use at table x2? thinking for sewing machines etc
This would make a total 22 office chairs in the space.

As part of the chair audit I have moved some chairs to the entrance and stacked some chairs up in front of the library, so the conference/DnD table are looking a little lonely. I've not been too ruthless yet but the chairs put aside are ones that have minor broken/missing parts, scuffed/ageing/stained upholstery/padding. I will of course be trying to find a home for some of these chairs or scavenging parts before asking people to help move them for recycling.
I am currently marking them with some sewing chalk to keep a track of them in case they need using in the meantime if it gets busy in the next 48hrs or so.

Thanks in advance for your input

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