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Miscreant Creche 10/12/24 - Leeds

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Phil Smith

Nov 22, 2024, 6:46:48 AM11/22/24
Eh up all,

Has anyone managed to open my lock box yet? Have you found the Easter egg?

The full Miscreant Crèche is happening on the 10th of December in Leeds at the Brewery Tap!

Try hacking access control systems, test your skill evading alarms, play with RF codes and learn how to open that lock box.

Bring your Flippers, Proxmarks, Chameleons and other toys / tools to try on real security hardware.

Please note that this venue is upstairs and doesn’t have disabled access – it was a quick turnaround and so I had to go with what was available and suitable around Christmas. Next year I'm hoping to run events more broadly accessible.



Director, Styx Security Ltd.

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