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FYI 24 hr members - main gate lock update

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Mark Wainwright

Nov 11, 2024, 7:59:16 AM11/11/24
to leeds-hack-space
Hi All
The lock on the main gate is still needing to be replaced and I’ve chased the landlord/tenants who said they where going to fix it. It has had a new lease of life and is again opening and closing but can be temperamental. Holding the pad lock body parts together then pushing the shackle down into the body and allowing it to pop up seems to work the majority of the time. 
1. we won’t be removing the padlock by request of another tenant (due to its temporary resurrection ) 
2. If it fails on you again please use the other gate 
3. If you need the code for the other gate just add 2 to the our gate code. 
 Main gate code + 2 = other gate code

Kind Regards Mark

Leeds Hackspace
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