FW: Lecson video 2

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John Mayberry

Apr 24, 2021, 12:16:25 PM4/24/21
to lecson...@googlegroups.com



From: peter dew <pete...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 3:45 AM
To: John Mayberry <emm...@emmaco.com>
Subject: Re: Lecson video 2


Hello, JOhn;


I am picking through outstanding issues with my Lecson AP-3 renovated and modified.


1            It still gets a bit hot: not so hot that it cuts out, but it seems hotter than it was in 1981 to me.

              Anyway, I expect that the fan is running the wrong way, sucking in at the top and blowing out at the bottom,

              and could be improved on these days with so many computer parts, so I am sure we will resolve that.


2            Volume control was unpredictable until I connected the CD Player to Pick Up instead of Aux.

              I wish I had thought of that sooner.


Are you interested, please, or do you know anyone who might be.?

I have raised the price to 1,500 UKPounds





On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 at 10:12, peter dew <pete...@gmail.com> wrote:

Virus-free. www.avast.com
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