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RE: [WikiEducator] WikiEducator User Page Expo (UPE) Winner for April 2013: Benjamin Stewart

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Patricia Schlicht

Apr 30, 2013, 4:26:10 PM4/30/13
to WikiEducator,, WikiEducator Learning4Content Workshops

Congratulations, Ben!

Warm wishes



From: [] On Behalf Of Ramesh Sharma
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 11:54 AM
To: WikiEducator;; WikiEducator Learning4Content Workshops
Subject: [WikiEducator] WikiEducator User Page Expo (UPE) Winner for April 2013: Benjamin Stewart


Dear Friends,

The WikiEducator User Page Expo ("UPE" to its friends) is an ongoing event to acknowledge WikiEducator user pages that are particularly informative, innovative, visually appealing, or otherwise just plain clever.

We are very happy to announce that  Benjamin Stewart is the WikiEducator User Page Expo winner for April 2013. Let's learn more about him.

Benjamin Stewart is an EFL teacher educator and researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes in Mexico. He has a great interest in action research for anyone teaching English to students of other languages (TESOL). He maintains an open and ongoing Distance English Language Training (DELT) workshop as well as TESOL Talk. In addition, he also contributes regularly to the Collaborative Understandings website, offers opencourseware, and is an author for Edukwest. He has also been contributing to the world of OERs by gifting his time and effort in assisting with eL4C online workshops, providing guidance to participants. He has delivered numerous talks and conducted many workshops for professional development of teachers. His WikiEducator User Page truly reflects his achievements!

Lets congratulate Benjamin, the WikiArtisan, for being the UPE winner for April 2013!!

with best wishes,
Dr. Nellie Deutsch and Ramesh Sharma

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