Discussion: Investigating a learning culture within an organisation

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CI Training And Development Institute

Feb 22, 2010, 1:35:58 AM2/22/10
to learning4cont...@googlegroups.com
Dear all

I hope you are doing well after the workshop. It has been a very tense one, but it helped. I have already started practising what I have been taught by the facilitators.

To get into new matters, I am faced with a situation here. I have to write learning content for my 3rd year college learners in the HR. The topic is Promote a learning culture within an organisation.

Please join me in teaching this topic. See http://wikieducator.org/User_talk:Colonel

looking forward to hear from your comments and contributions.


On 21 February 2010 13:21, Patricia Schlicht <PSch...@col.org> wrote:
Dear Ibrahim,

That's the way to do it, also sign up for the next one, as it will teach
rich text editing, WikiEducator's newest feature. Raising awareness and
inviting people to come check this opportunity out is a good starting
point. Matters have a way of progressing from there, and interest groups
easily form. You now have a Wikieducator Nigeria Portal. Make use of it,
invite people who share your passion to improve the page, build teams,
take the lead and move forward. I highly recommend any of you sign up
for the WikiEducator discussion forum at the top of WE's main page. This
way you stay close to the pulse and can find help easily, not just from
me, but from your WikiNeighbours around the world
(http://www.wikieducator.org )

We are our own limitations, think big and move forward. Just one
important thing: Always make sure that anything you put on WE is free of
copy restrictrions. Wiki only allows two Creative Commons licenses:
Attribution and share-alikes (cc-by-sa). Have a look here what this



If you're looking for a more academic analysis, try this article by
Derek Keats:


Derek is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Knowledge and Information
Management, so this is a pretty high level academic opinion from the


-----Original Message-----
From: learning4cont...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:learning4cont...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 12:44 PM
To: learning4cont...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [eL4C35] IS IT TRUE?

Hi Patricia,
Thanks for raising the issue.
I guess we will make do with the available workshops.
I will try my best to rouse awareness about the oncoming workshops.
If we can get more African educators onboard, it might ven be possible
to organize a local workshop among ourselves!
I will let me you know as i go about it.
I will be trying my hands on the tutorials to improve myself and i
hope you'd find time to pass your comments and advice.
Thanks once again.
ibrahim Oyekanmi

On 2/21/10, Patricia Schlicht <PSch...@col.org> wrote:
> Dear Ibrahim,
> I touched base with Wayne and unfortunately other than what is
> being and will be scheduled there is no funding available for further
> out of the ordinary workshops. The workshop that are being scheduled
> should be used for now to obtain the skills among the growing African
> communities. Don't worry, this will come in time.
> Warm wishes,
> Patricia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: learning4cont...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:learning4cont...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:54 AM
> To: learning4cont...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [eL4C35] IS IT TRUE?
> Hi Colonel,
> I have been following your zeal in this workshop and i feel we can
> work together to improve the awareness in the African region.
> I am also hoping we can have an African regional workshop soonest, but
> like you said, creating awareness is the first issue.
> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Ibrahim Oyekanmi
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Mr Colonel Ncube
Training Manager
CI Training And Development Institute
Phone: +27 31 905 2213
Mobile: +27 82 664 5969
Fax   :  086 667 6966

Patricia Schlicht

Feb 22, 2010, 12:24:50 PM2/22/10
to learning4cont...@googlegroups.com

Dear Colonel,


This is an interesting subject, Colonel. May I suggest you join the WikiEducator (WE) main discussion list (at the top of the main We page at  http://www.wikieducator.org  and post your message there again, because this forum will be closed to make room for the next one in due course.


Alternatively, or in addition, you could also join the Teacher Collaboration Forum on WE, to which I would need to subscribe you to., if you let me know http://www.wikieducator.org/Teacher_Collaboration. This way you would reach around 1500 people using both lists


Warm wishes,


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