Invitation to Grand Annkuta Festival at ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya | Just 2 Days Left to Contribute Directly to the Service of Giriraj

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ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya

Nov 11, 2023, 7:44:43 AM11/11/23
Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In alignment with the divine path of Lord Sri Krishna and Sripad Madhvendra Puri, ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya joyfully announces a grand Annkuta festival at the foothills of Govardhan on the auspicious occasion of Govardhan Puja, falling on November 14th, 2023. This festival is a dedicated offering to please Sri Giriraj and His beloved devotees.

Our plan is to present an opulent offering to Sri Giriraj, featuring several hundreds of meticulously prepared bhogas.

Situated in Aniyor Village, Govardhan, ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya annakut festival is a very special. This village acquired its name during the annakuta festival when Nanda Maharaj, along with all the Vrajavasis, engaged in worshiping Govardhan Hill. The term 'anna' encompasses 'rice' and various grains. In this context, it specifically denotes rice-based vegetable dishes, along with other grain-based delicacies like puris, paratas, halava, laddus, jalebis, ksira, and an assortment of sweets and cakes. At this juncture, Krishna manifested His mystic powers, assuming a colossal form as the personified Govardhan Hill, known as Giriraj Maharaj—the 'King of all Mountains.' Seating Himself on the ground, Krishna delightedly consumed the multitude of offerings prepared by the Vrajavasis.

During this enchanting annakuta feast, Giriraj Maharaja relished the food to such an extent that He joyfully snapped His fingers, exclaiming, "Aniyor! Aniyor!"—meaning, "Bring more! Bring more!" The Vrajavasis were overjoyed that Giriraj Maharaj had personally manifested to accept their offerings. Undeterred, they continued cooking and presented an ever-increasing abundance of food until Giriraj Maharaj expressed complete satisfaction. Following Giriraj Maharaj's departure, Krishna led all the Vrajavasis and their cows on a parikrama around Govardhan Hill.

We extend a warm invitation for you to partake in this splendid opportunity to offer Annakuta to Sri Giriraj Govardhan and prasadam to the Vrajvasis.

Donation Options:

Bhoga Offerings:

56 bhoga – ₹ 11,000
108 bhoga – ₹ 21,000
501 bhoga – ₹ 1,01,000
1008 bhoga – ₹ 2,00,000

Annakuta Offering:

Juice – ₹ 5,000
Fruits – ₹ 11,000
Rice – ₹ 15,000
Nuts – ₹ 21,000
Halwa – ₹ 25,000
Sweets – ₹ 31,000
Sponsor the whole Annakuta – ₹ 1,08,000

Feeding Vrajvasis:

10 plates – ₹ 1,000
50 plates – ₹ 5,000
100 plates – ₹ 10,000
500 plates – ₹ 50,000
1000 plates – ₹ 1,00,000

Every Contribution Made Will Exclusively Support the Service of Giriraja. Additionally, Receive Mahaprasad Gifts from ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya.

Kindly find our bank details below.

Account Name: ISKCON Vraja Dham Seva
A/c No. 50100505876578
IFSC – HDFC0000942
Bank – HDFC Bank Branch – Raman Rati, Opp. Balaji Ashram, Vrindavan, Mathura, U.P – 281121


To acknowledge your generous donation, kindly reach out to us at

In service of Srimad Bhagavatam

Your servant,
Brajsunder Das
Vice-Chairman/ ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya.

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