NBS #223

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ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya

Nov 23, 2023, 2:02:11 PM11/23/23
Respected Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Please find NBS #223,

"My dear King, clouds hovered about sharp-horned Arishtasura’s hump, mistaking it for a mountain, and when the cowherd men and ladies caught sight of the demon, they were struck with terror. Indeed, the strident reverberation of his roar so frightened the pregnant cows and women that they lost their fetuses in miscarriages...."


1 The Slaying of Arishta, the Bull Demon
   Srila Sukadeva Goswami

2. Joking Conversation Between Radha And Krishna
    Srila Vishvanataha Chakravarti Thakura

3. Discovery of Radha-Kunda and Shyama-Kunda
    His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Issuu.com : https://issuu.com/nbsmag/docs/nbs_223

Your servant,
Brajsundar Das
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