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PG Vargis

Oct 13, 2016, 6:30:10 PM10/13/16
to leadershiptip...@googlegroups.com

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A leader is like a river. Starts as a small stream. But gathers on the way other streams and becomes a mighty river – feeding people, cattle and agricultural lands and nourishing forests. It never stops working – day and night. A river exists for others and then vanishes.  You can be a Pampa river of Kerala or Ganges of India or Amazon. The choice is yours.

P G Vargis


Leadership note. Grow with me.

And share this with others. Let the world grow.



But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)

A huge chunk of beautiful marble lay in the courtyard of the Florence, Italy cathedral for almost a hundred years. The sculptor commissioned to carve it had made a mistake while attempting to carve the stone, and most people thought it was beyond repair.

But in 1505, another young sculptor by the name of Michelangelo came across the piece and thought he could do something with it. For three years, he worked steadily, carefully shaping the marble into an 18-foot tall image of the young shepherd boy David - a sculpture that would define the great artist's career.

Much like Michelangelo, God is our Sculptor. He finds us broken, lost, and in desperate need of work. Then, after putting our faith in Christ, He begins to chisel us - scraping and chipping away our imperfections and making us more and more into the image He wants us to be.

This sculpting we undergo isn't always a pleasant experience. That's because sometimes we have idols and imperfections chipped away to which we've grown very attached. But our Master Sculptor knows what He's doing. Trust Him to mold you throughout your life into the masterpiece He's created you to be and thank Him that He's set you free from the imperfections that hinder you!

Prayer Challenge: Ask God to help you submit to His daily sculpting in your life as He transforms you into His image.


General Knowledge – Health

Stored properly, olive oil will last for years. To preserve the flavour, store olive oil in a dark, cool place. If the oil turns cloudy, its nutritional properties may have changed, so toss it and buy a new bottle.

The heart benefits of olive oil include raising HDL, the good type of cholesterol. Olive oil also contains phytochemicals and vitamin E, which help to clear cholesterol from the arteries. In addition, olive oil helps decrease inflammation, which contributes to arthritis, heart disease, and many other health problems.

How can olive oil help with weight loss? Research has shown that olive oil may slow stomach contractions, helping you feel full longer.

Olive oil can keep your skin blemish-free. Clear up acne by mixing 4 tablespoons salt with 3 tablespoons olive oil. Pour the mixture onto your hands and fingers and work it around your face. Leave it on for a minute or two, then rinse it off with warm, soapy water. Apply daily for one week, then cut back to two or three times weekly. You should see a noticeable improvement in your condition.

Olive oil is also linked to boosting immunity and helps your body use plant chemicals from other foods. For instance, lycopene, the fat-soluble antioxidant in tomatoes, is best absorbed when eaten with some fat, such as the healthy fat found in olive oil.


Have a day of growth for the glory of God

p g vargis



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